Bomb Shells

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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

July 27, 2021 I got my first covid shot😗✌️YUP hehe I'm writing this in July but its most likely October 13th when this is published, unless my team got held up...

I'm kidding, what team?


I'm sorry

But I was kidding about having a team, just me🥲

     After Ash texted, he was going to bring his friends I got a little excited to meet them. After a while I heard a knock on the door, I knew it's been three hours so I could already guess who was at the door. I opened it to see a blonde boy, Ash peeped from behind him, and I smiled. I said, "Come in, the party is a surprise, so he'll be here around five". Ace smirked and walked in taking in the new setting.

     He looked over at Blue and walked over. He said "Hey girl, your nice looking. You wanna hang out some time?'. Boss walked up and stood behind Blue; Ace looked up scared for his life. Ace said "Ayo? What type of friends you got homie? These one's look like a Mafia couple". I laughed and said, "Well if you couldn't guess every girl in this friend group is taken, except Farrah but, I have a feeling she isn't interested".

     I watched Farrah casually glare at Ace as I said it. August said, "Nope Farrah hates him". He was walking into the door as Farrah rushed to hug him, he smiled with his Dimples showing. "AGH, hey Farrah!", he said it with optimism in his eyes. I'm guessing Niko heard August's voice and popped out the ballroom.

     "Auggie!", He got tackled by the other sister and he was laying on the floor. James came out the ballroom and said, "You don't show me that much affection". He chortled as he said it playfully, Niko looked up with puppy dog eyes and let loose. August got up and smiled, I said "Young Midoriya". Ash laughed at my joke as August smiled.

     I heard Boss growl and I turned around and saw Ace running. Blue was laughing as Ace ran in fear, I heard the doorbell ring, and everyone went quiet, we all looked at each other and started hiding. Once I saw everyone get into their position, I went for the door. I opened it and said "Avery, what are you doing here?". He walked in while the lights were off and he said, "Were you sleep this early?". I shook my head and turned the lights on, I closed the door and locked it just in case. Avery said confused "What's going- ".

     He cut himself off as he looked at Boss. "I need to go". I looked at him confused and saw Boss look at Avery, he gritted his teeth and I replied "Now?". With a scared look in his eyes, he said "Like right now!". He quickly left out the house and Freddie was at the door standing there, he watched Avery leave the house nonchalantly and walked into the house calmly.

     We all looked back and said "Surprise". Boss looked furious, Blue looked scared, Lili was sleep on the couch, Ace and August looked confused, and Ash looked surprised. Freddie walked in and smirked "Was this a surprise party for me?". I nodded and he walked closer to me and gave me a hug. He sighed and said, "Thank you, this is a lot of effort especially after you just finished training".

     I smiled brightly and looked over at Boss so I could figure out the issue. I walked over and Boss look me in the eyes, it made me uncomfortable, and he noticed so he relaxed. He said "Don't ever, meet that man, again. You hear me?". He said calmly yet sternly, I nodded nervously, and Ash grabbed my shoulders. Ash nodded toward the hallway to the next wing and whispered, "What's going on?".

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