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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

⚠️Mentions of blood, death, descriptions of dead bodies, and murder⚠️

Okay now I'm worried

     I picked up the phone and called Farrah but, I got a text from Adalyn.


Hey, I'm not coming home tonight so don't start worrying I'm going somewhere with Carmen and Genie you know to build a relationship... I'll be gone for a couple of days😌💅


What?! Well when are you coming back


I don't know I never asked this was Genie's idea anyway🤷🏾‍♀️


Alright then I'll see you later



     Adda is more responsible than that, she wouldn't just up and leave without planning around it. She also wouldn't just be up and ready to go. She didn't even pack to go anywhere, Adda is a planner. She would've planned this but, she didn't. What's going on, is she mad at me?

A week later...

     I came over to Adalyn's place because I haven't seen her in a long time. She hasn't even texted; I opened the door and Farrah was panicking. I said, "What's happening?". Farrah pulled out her phone and started dialing. She said, "Come on, come on pick up. Hello? Yeah, Adda's in trouble. Can you help? Yeah, yeah that's fine. Okay see you then bye".

     My eyes widened and I said, "What do you mean Adda's in trouble?!". Farrah said, "I'll explain on the way". She tossed me the car keys and grabbed her purse and jacket. She ran out the door and I was already in the car. We drove off to the warehouse, Blue started digging, it was like we were homeland security.

     We were all on computers trying to dig up stuff on Avery to find where he could be. Blue started working on making stuff in case we couldn't get in. Freddie yelled excitedly, "I found something, Genie's phone pinged near this weird alley way". Farrah got up from her seat and looked at Freddie's screen. I turned to see but Blue walked in.

     She was holding mini grenades; Boss was coming up with a plan in his office. We jumbled into the car and drove as fast as we could to the alley way. We found Genie's phone on the ground, I turned to look at Farrah to see if she was alright. She looked so angry and sad but, mostly worried. Blue walked to the wall, she checked her tablet to make sure it was the right one because, that would be strange blowing up a random building.

     The wall crumbled and Boss walked in first. He said, "I'll search for her, you guys back up and you two scouts". Farrah and I walked behind Boss as we looked for anything. We turned a corner and that's when I saw a door and Carmen sitting on the ground. He turned around and looked at me.

     I said, "WHERE'S ADDA? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" I've never been so angry in my life; I was on the edge of breaking bones in his body. Carmen pointed to the door he was on and backed from it. Boss shoved the door and Carmen said, "You could've just opened it". Boss walked in looking around and I turned to see Adda eyes slowly opening.

     She looked like she was in a shocked state. Boss ran over to Adda and started unstrapping the belts. When he pulled it away, I saw needles coming out of her arms, I turned around to make sure Carmen wasn't up to anything. I heard Adda scream, "STOP DON'T LET ME FREE. I'M EVIL, I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON. I KILLED SOMEONE".

     Boss picked her up and said, "no you're not, you are the most heroic person I know. I need you to stay strong for me just this one time, okay?".

Adalyn's POV

     I looked at Boss and he looked so genuine but, I knew I was hallucinating like all the other times. I saw something flash and felt my body get pushed back into an alley way. I was too weak; I was losing consciousness. I saw Farrah, Ash, Blue, Freddie, and Boss ready to fight someone too powerful for me. No, I must keep fighting, I can't go to sleep.

     I need to stay awake for them, they are fighting to protect me and so do I. To Avery lying to me to Meghan trying to get with Ash to me and Ash breaking up to Avery almost killing Jay I felt every emotion. I remembered what James said that day, "What happens if you let it all out?". I let go and screamed "AGHHHH!". I saw the glow of cyan in my eyes and a wave of energy busted out of me.

     My teleblast smacked Avery against the wall and I heard a crack. I breathed heavy and Ash walked behind me and said, "Are you okay?". He held me and rocked me in his arms I looked him in the eyes and said, "I love you". I kissed him and he kissed me back. This time it came with no commentary, this was something we both needed.

     I smiled as I let go. I looked at Avery and saw blood pooling out of his skull. If we kill him in his human form, he will die foreal'. I cried as I realized, "I killed someone, and he was my friend". Ash hugged me tighter and shielded my eyes from looking at him any further.

     I cried and blacked out, I woke up in my bed and felt myself bandaged tightly. I sat up and immediately felt the pain from last night. Ahs ran up to me saying "Chill out, you need to rest". I sighed and he called for everyone to tell them I was awake.

Was that a lot I'm sorry if it was too descriptive

I'm going to sleep, I'm so frickin tired

Adalyn and the Long Lost SiblingsWhere stories live. Discover now