Why do people like throwing remotes at me!?

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~Bold means speech.
~Bold italics means authors note
~Italics means thoughts

~Underlined italics means other thoughts

     I left with a sploosh since I'm more confident in my powers I use them more often. I looked around and realized this place felt right, I felt the rocks under my shoes and something about it felt so, familiar. I walked into the door and that's when I realize where I was, I was at the warehouse. Looks like they haven't moved their operation since the police could never find it. I sat on the old couch, and it felt nice to be here.

     Suddenly I flinched and ducked, and a large remote control flew past where my head was. "Why do people like throwing remotes at me!?". I turned around ready to fight and saw it was Blue "Oh Blue, you here to knock me out and casually kidnap me again?". She laughed and said, "We are here for training, come on get into stance". I got into positioned and we fought a little, then we exercised my powers.

     It was fun working with Blue because she understands hard work and is great at focusing. She is very serious but can be playful when we work together. Boss walked downstairs from one of the rooms and immediately smiled when he saw me. "ADDA!" I laughed and slightly hugged him since I was sweating, I said "We can start after I take a shower, oh is my stuff still in there?". He nodded and I walked upstairs while reliving the memories of this place.

     I remember my friends standing here when they got caught, I walked into my old room and remembered the first time I met Boss in here. I was in a reminiscent time until I breathed in and smelt my stench. I shook my head and continued to take a shower and change my clothes. I felt refreshed and walked downstairs, Boss saw me and already had electronic equipment out. Blue was typing away and said, "We're tracking their phones, we put a little device in it just in case once we let them go, we figured out they were lying to us".

     I nodded at Blue's seriousness and continued to watch her try and triangulate their location. It was fun to see but once she found their devices it wasn't fun anymore. Boss and Blue turned to me, and Boss asked, "What do you want to do now?". I shrugged nervous, I don't know what they look like, what their personality is, how they are as a person, if they are okay. I know nothing! I'm freaking out.

     Blue noticed my internal freak out and said "Calm down, we don't have to look for them today. I'll just-". She started typing and the screen showed numbers she turned back to me and said, "Those are their numbers, so now it's all up to you, when, where, how, and why you're going to meet them". I sighed and pulled out my phone putting in the contacts. Boss looked concerned but didn't say anything and walked into the kitchen, that's when I saw my friend.

     "PETER!?", He sighed and walked over with a fake frown. He said, "I still hate you for what you did with the cockroach and the lamp". I laughed and said, "We already established that the cockroach wasn't real". He sighed and dapped me up, "How's it's been Adda?". I smiled and said, "Good for the most part, it's just a lot has happened these past five months and I feel like these three months have been moving the slowest".

     He nodded and said, "For sure, it's been really slow especially because I have to go back to school after winter break". I sighed and said, "I remember school days, it was fun but hectic... wait how old are you?". He chortled and said, "I'm sixteen, so I'm a sophomore". I looked at him shocked and said "Your sixteen, you look like you're in your twenties and you work for Boss. No offense but it's Boss, we all know he's doing something suspicious".

     He laughed and said, "Yeah well I was dealt certain cards and had to stick with them, I couldn't change my suit". I tilted my head and said, "that was very poetic". He smiled and it slowly turned to a curious frown. "Why aren't you in school?". I smiled and said, "Because I got kidnapped when I was going to enroll but I couldn't, so I decided to take a gap year and go to college next year".

Adalyn and the Long Lost SiblingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora