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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts    

So basically I have an actual sunflower seed addiction (mostly joking) and my tongue is preventing me from eating spicy and hot food, I'm dying but, I'm still eating these sunflower seeds🤚

     "I was just being dramatic, you scared me that's all".

     I sat in the chair across from Ash and went on my phone, Ash looked at me and said, "Did they kick you out?". I smiled and said "No, they just apologized and started hugging each other, it was so cute". Ash laughed and I heard his phone say "DeLiCiOuS". I laughed and he turned the volume down, Farrah was cooking silently focusing on it, so it was quiet. Niko came in and sat down next to Ash and James sat next to me.

      Niko looked relaxed and James looked content. I'm guessing they made up, I looked behind me and Farrah was coming with plates of food. I smiled and began at the eggs, I looked up and Ash said, "You both made up pretty quickly, see what time and communication can do". I laughed and said, "Thank god too, I thought I would have to kill him". James paused and Farrah smirked, Ash and Niko laughed which caused James to laugh nervously.

     I looked up from my plate and said "I'm mostly kidding; besides I doubt I would have to. Some people really do have a soul mate and I believed that person is most definitely me". Niko laughed and said, "Yup you're most definitely my soul mate". James smiled and Farrah furrowed her brows, she said, "So what does that make me?". I choked a little and replied, "My wife".

     Ash didn't say anything because he knew I was joking, he continued to eat his food in silence. Until it was too silent, awkward silent. I sighed loudly and said, "We're not doing this awkward silence today, what do you want to talk about?". Everyone turned to James, and he looked nervous to say anything. I said, "Loosen up, I said I was mostly kidding about killing you, you're fine".

     He smiled and relaxed a bit, he said "So uhm, your powers how do they work?". I smiled; I was happy to talk about my powers with no problems. I said "Emotions", James tilted his head in confusion, and I said "Basically, it's all up to my heart and my head. I have to want to go somewhere to teleport, I have to be focused to use telekinesis, I have to-". James got shocked and said "Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. You have more than one power? Well, how many do you have?".

     I counted a little and said "three, well my eye color changes so technically, four". He nodded for me to tell him; I could tell he was a little freaked out. I said "Well teleblast, it allows me to use the energy my emotions use and focus them to a point where it creates blasts. Telekinesis, I can focus my energy on one object enough to move it, I can even move people. Telepathy, this is the power I was born with, every woman in the Dara dynasty has it. I can read your mind, I must have a clear mind which, that's a hard thing to do. I can hear what you're thinking but, it comes with its own set of problems. I am more sensitive emotionally speaking, I also don't use it often unless it's a private conversation. Mind reading is a huge invasion of privacy because sometimes we think things we won't do, like killing someone. I don't like reading minds often but judging by what happened last night I think I should use it on people I don't trust. Lastly teleportation, if I really want to go to a specific place, it will take some energy, but I can teleport I just have to remember the area well. Oh, and my eye colors since I have this burst of powers, I am a lot more sensitive so, my eye color changes since I have to be in control of them a lot when using my powers".

     James sat there and processed the load I just said, he looked confused and said "So, you have to control how you feel all the time?". I nodded and he smiled sadly "Do you get to feel? That sounds like a lot, and you feel more intensely than everyone else. You must go through a lot, you have to hide it all but, what happens if you let it all out?". I shrugged and Farrah said, "You probably become pretty powerful". I nodded at her remark and ate some more of my food.

     It went quiet again and Niko finished her food, she went into the kitchen and washed her dish. Farrah sighed and said, "what's everyone doing today?". I shrugged and looked at Asher and he looked back at me, he looked into my eyes, and I looked away quickly. He turned back to Farrah and shrugged, Farrah nodded and looked over at James. James said, "Niko and I are going skating, you guys can come if you want".

     I looked over at Ash and he shrugged, Ash replied "Yeah why not, me and Adda have nothing else to do today. What about you Farrah?". She shook her head and said, "I have to do other stuff today". She sounded suspicious about it but, I didn't bother to push it further. Maybe our friendship is too close, and she needs space.

     I got up and met Niko in the kitchen. I said, "You know we have a dishwasher, right?". She smiled and said, "Yeah but, I'm used to washing my dishes". I nodded and tossed my dish in there, placing it in right with my telekinesis. I said before leaving the kitchen, "Ash and I are coming with you to skate. If you don't want us to go, we could separate".

     She furrowed her brows and said, "Why wouldn't I want you there?". I shrugged and left the kitchen, I felt her still staring at me as I walked out. I went upstairs to shower and take off my pajamas. I got out the shower and Ash was laying on my bed. I said "AHHHH, what are you doing? What if I was naked when I walked out the bathroom?".

     He smiled and said, "The door was open, so I doubt you would've walked out the bathroom naked with it open, you would've at least had a towel on and secondly, you always get dressed in the bathroom". I sighed and walked into my closet to pick out some sneakers to wear. I came back out and sat on the couch. Ash sat up and said, "You, okay?". I smiled and said, "Yeah I just feel like something is off, maybe because of the awkward breakfast but I just have a feeling something bad is going to happen".

     He smiled and said, "Well there probably is, always trust woman's intuition". We both were smiling at each other, and I tackled him into a hug. He giggled and so did I until my dad walked in. "What in the heckerooni did I just walk in on?". I smiled and said, "Me giving hugs to Ash for being sweet".

     My dad said sternly "Hugs better be the only thing that your giving". My eyes widened and I furrowed my brows and said "Ew, really dad I'll tackle you too". I laughed and my dad chortled. He said, "Your eyes are pink by the way". He walked out of the room, and I blinked.

     I wonder what it means when my eyes turn pink. I sighed and got up pulling Ash off the bed with me. I walked downstairs to see Niko looking for something. I said "Watchu' looking for?". She sighed panicked and said, "My keys!".

     She kind of screeched and I said, "Well, that doesn't matter anyway, you're not driving you maniac". I brought the keys to my hand; they were right in front of her. I said "If you can't find your keys that were right in front of you. How are you going to drive?". She sighed and I dropped my smirk to a worried expression. "Hey sit down, what's wrong?".

     She sighed and said, "Nothing I'm fine". I sighed and said, "You feel like something bad is going to happen too huh?". She nodded and said, "My gut really doesn't want us to leave the house but, what if it's something we need to confront". I sighed and said, "We shouldn't do the stupid girl thing and leave anyway, we should just go in the basement and play foosball or something". She nodded and started texting; I'm guessing James for the change of plans.

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