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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

"You could stay here! If you want, I mean".

     I woke up the next morning, Genie and Carmen already left early. So, I decided I wanted to go shopping with my friends. I group facetime called everyone and everyone answered. I said, "Hey guys, wanna go shopping?". Ace investigated the camera and said, "Yeah sure, I mean you're paying, right?".

     I rolled my eyes and Farrah said, "Shut up 'ACE'. Anyways, are we bringing everyone in the group Facetime?". I looked at everyone and said, "Who wants to go?". Niko said, "No, me and Farrah have a sister date today". I smiled and said, "That's fine, what about you Auggie, it's a Sunday".

     I sang a little and August said, "Fine, I should be studying but, sure". I smiled and Blue said, "Boss and I have to take Lili for a check up today". I smiled and said, "That's fine". Soon everyone was saying they were busy except for Ash. I sighed and said, "So only Ash, Auggie, Freddie, and Ace are coming?".

     Everyone answered in their own way and soon we hug up. I started getting ready and I got a call from Carmen. I said, "Hello? What's up Carm". Carmen sighed and said, "Nini has been acting really strangely, she's acting like she didn't just get kidnapped, like it's not a big deal". I sighed and said, "Okay well, what can I do to help?".

     Carmen said, "maybe human interaction with someone other than the person she's known all her life will help". I said, "Perfect, I'm actually going to the mall with some friends". Carmen said, "Cool alright, what time?". I replied, "In two hours, I still have some stuff to take care of". Carmen said, "Alright see you at the mall in two hours".

     We said our goodbyes and I hung up. I teleported to Ash's place and walked into the lounge area. Auggie looked up from his notes and said, "There you are, what do you want to talk to about today?". I said, "Do you think I'm evil?". Auggie said, "Well you can be mean but, only because you're being honest. But, one thing is for sure, you're not evil. Why?".

     I sighed and said, "Well remember when I got kidnapped?". Auggie chuckled and said, "Of course". I continued, "Well, he kept saying I was evil and, I'm scared that is the reason why my eyes turn black". Auggie said, "Okay well, think about every time your eyes turned black". I sighed and thought back to every time.

     Auggie said, "Okay well what were you feeling when your eyes turned black?". I sighed and said, "It's a very angry emotion". Auggie said, "Well that's it, rumor debunked. Your eyes turn black when your angry". I furrowed my brows and said, "No they turn red when I'm angry".

      Auggie leaned in and said, "Angry doesn't always mean angry, people get mad when they're uncomfortable. Maybe you get mad when you're displeased". I thought more about it and said, "Well duh, that makes so much more since then me being evil". I laughed finally feeling that weight off my shoulders. That was so simple, I can't believe I thought I was evil.

     Auggie and I talked for a long time and soon it was time for our session to be over. I got up and stretched, I said, "Seriously, thank you for helping me out with my problems and sorting out my thoughts". Auggie nodded and I teleported back to my house. I got ready and headed out the door, I decided I wanted to teleport to Niko's place before leaving so that's what I did. I teleported in a corner and made sure nobody saw me.

      I knocked on their apartment door and James opened the door. I stood at the door and James opened it for me to come in. I said, "what's up, is Niko here?". He replied, "Yeah she's getting dressed". I nodded and walked into their room, I said, "Niko Piko, it's me Adda. I wanted to stop by before leaving".

     Niko walked out her bathroom with a robe on and said, "Oh hey, thanks for checking on me, how's therapy with my favorite person?". I sighed and plopped on her bed, I said, "It's been really good, I feel better about a lot of stuff- wait I thought I was your favorite person ". Niko chuckled nervously and shrugged, I said, "yeah Auggie my favorite person too". I sighed defeated, Niko went into her closet and began getting dressed. She walked back out and said, "Which one?". I pointed at an outfit and said, "That color looks good on you".

     She looked at it and said, "Burgundy, really?". I smiled and nodded, I got up and said, "Alright I just wanted to stop by. I'll see you later, alright?". She looked up from my sudden serious tone and said, "Yeah, you alright?". I looked at her and said, "You'll be with Farrah today but please be careful. Avery... is still alive".

     Niko looked at me and said, "is that why you called because you're scared of going to the mall alone, Carmen said it but, you are scared of Avery aren't you?". I sighed and said, "I uh- we can talk about this later just, stay safe". I teleported to Ash's house and Auggie and Ace were already there. I sat on the couch and said, "Where's Ash, we're meeting Freddie there and he knows Freddie hates being late". Ash walked downstairs and said, "I'm here, I just can't find my phone".

     I called it and his back pocket began to ring, he pulled it out and said, "Oh ha, let's go". He sounded so defeated; it was kind of funny. We walked into the car and Auggie started to drive. We arrived at the mall and Ace led the way, we ended up in a Pans store unsurprisingly. Ash and I were just joking around on the bench.

     I said, "I miss spending time with you". Ash said, "Me too, do you want to hang out tomorrow? like a date?". I smiled and said, "Wait is, the Asher Alaric asking little ol' me on a date?". Ash chuckled and said, "Hey someone is looking at you". I turned around a little bit paranoid expecting to find Avery, but it was just a girl.

     I walked over and said, "Hey, do I know you? Or do you know me?". The girl hugged me and said, "It's so nice to meet you princess, I'm a huge fan". I smiled and said, "Aw, do you want to hang out with us?". The girl eyes lit up and said, "Are you frickin' kidding me? of course I do". Ash looked at me as if he was questioning me, I widened my eyes and raised an eyebrow to tell him were bringing someone. I looked at the girl and said, "What's your name?".

     She sighed and said, "So you don't remember me?". I furrowed my brows and said, "No? who are you?". I said it with genuine curiosity, she smirked and said, "It's me Hazel".

Ya'll remeber her? if not go to flash backs in my first book Adda mentions her😌

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