Putting Pieces Together

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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

"I'm not a very honest, trustworthy, loyal, or nice but, this is something she has to tell you on her own".

Avery already left but I was confused on what was going on, and what was happening. I spent the day thinking and, the hours went pass like a breeze. I didn't know what to think, the only thing I knew was, Avery came in an ally but left an enemy. I got into the bed spaced out. Ash left too, he had to go help his uncle and the shop, he hasn't done that in a while since, he's so caught up in my life.

I dozed off and woke up and checked my phone, now it was January 12, 2021, four o' three am. I didn't have a nightmare so why am I up this early. I'm already up so I might as well get the day started early. It was about two hours earlier but, I got a text from Farrah. Here we go.

The best human being in the world she is better than every person I have ever met

You up🧐

If you couldn't tell I let her name herself on her contact, bad idea.


Yeah, what's up😂

The best human being in the world she is better than every person I have ever met

I need Genie's number to thank her for saving me🥸


Yeah sure


The best human being in the world she is better than every person I have ever met

Yeah, I'll ask her out to dinner as thanks


Sounds more like a date😏

The best human being in the world she is better than every person I have ever met

No 😐see ya later😀

       Weird but, not really? I laughed because those two-act weird around each other, I wonder how it'll go. Two hours later I heard my phone ring, I have friends, oh nope just my brother. I answered, "Hey is Genie with you?". I replied, "Nope, she's with Farrah probably". Carmen said confused, "Why? I thought they didn't like each other".

I tilted my head and said, "Did Genie say that?". Carmen said, "No, I just got a vibe... anyway why is she with Farrah?". I laughed and said, "Does she have a curfew too?". Carmen laughed sarcastically and said, "No I'm just worried, she didn't answer her phone". I tilted my head and said, "Well I'll call Farrah, Niko is here too, so I'll ask her".

Carmen said, "Alright, see you later". I replied, "Alright bye". I hung up and started walking to Niko's room, I called Farrah's phone and it rung but no answer. I decided to try Genie's phone while I was at Niko's door. I heard Genie's phone ring... in Farrah's room, is Farrah here too.

What is she doing in her room? I opened the door and said, "Geni- AHHHHHHHH". They. Were. Making. Out. I said, "Okay sorry, sorry, sorry, none of my business I'll leave. Get it I guess, go off".  Farrah got up I heard her, but I didn't see, my eyes were closed.

Farrah said, "W-wait!". I walked out the room then stopped at her doorway. I said, "Don't make it awkward". I laughed a little and Farrah smiled. Farrah said, "So, I think I'm Bisexual". She said while rocking back and forth, my eyes widened, and I smiled.

I said, "Okay...". She was just staring at me, and I said, "What are you waiting for?". She furrowed her brows and said, "Are you going to get mad". I laughed hysterically but she didn't laugh, I said, "for what liking my sister, she's a Dara meaning she's hot. I get liking someone and not being able to control it. You might think it's unnatural, but it's love, and it comes in all different shapes and sizes. I'm here if you want to talk about- ".

HOLY CRAP. "I'm here if you want to talk about it. I'M HERE IF YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT". Farrah flinched at my sudden rise of tone. I said, "Did you tell Avery first?".

Farrah nodded and I said, "Okay well who else knows". She pointed at her door, and I said, "I would tell Ash but, this is something I can't share with everyone. Just know that a lot of Avery's stories just came together with this piece of information". Farrah furrowed her brows, and I ran off excitedly. I ran upstairs and realized I have absolutely no idea what to do.

I decided to make a chart, Avery has a special place for Farrah, we can use that to our advantage. He's gay so it makes since why he wouldn't out Farrah for being Bisexual, he feels trusted for being told first. It all makes since, why he doesn't attack when Farrah is around because he built trust with her. He understands first hand what it's like to be queer. I heard footsteps outside my room, "Adda I uh wanted to talk to you".

I was going to add something but... I have to keep it as PG-13 as possible so, 😀 don't worry it wasn't nothing crazy anyway I gotta go to the doctor so bye


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