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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

⚠️Warning there will be mention of violence, cutting, blood, and torture⚠️

Guess I'm not so casually kidnapped anymore.

I 've been here for a couple of hours, nothing has changed. It's the same dark room, I haven't even heard a person move. I want someone to talk to or something. I heard the door screech open so I turned my head to look at the door. Avery walked in; he had the weirdest smile on his face.

He sat in a chair in the opposite direction. I turned my head back to the ceiling and he began to speak. "So, as you know you're kidnapped. Starting right now I'm going to start extracting your blood but, not with needles. You deserve a little pain".

I looked at my arms, they were dipping with blood. I was trying to get out earlier but, it was too painful. Avery looked at my blood mesmerized and said, "Well thank you for doing some of the work for me". He unstrapped the bed and I tried to get up, but I felt dizzy from all the blood loss. I passed out and woke up, my arms were above my head.

Avery walked in with a weapon. He spoke, "You have the power to give me yours, so give them to me". I opened my mouth and he tased me. "Don't start with the lies!". It hurt a lot, I looked him in the eye and said, "I don't know how".

Avery tased me again and I started coughing. Avery said, "You're getting angry, calm down evil one. Your eyes are turning black". I blinked and said, "I'm not evil". Avery said, "Moving on, tell me how to give me your powers".

I replied, "I DON'T KNOW!". Avery took a step back and grabbed his knife, he walked behind me and started cutting my back. He tased the place he just cut, and I started to scream. "STOP! STOP, stop!, stop". Avery walked to face me and said, "I will, when you give me your powers".

I closed my eyes and said, "I can't". Avery leaned into my drooped head and said, "Why?". I sighed and said, "I was never taught". Avery backed his head and said, "OR maybe because they didn't want to share that information with you because the real prophecy is you being evil". I let a tear out and Avery tased my head.

"Your evil, remember that". I don't remember anything else that day. I woke up in the same area, my arms are starting to fall asleep. I'm not evil, I'm not evil! Am I evil? I was staring to question myself. No that's what Avery wants; you are a good person.

Your eyes turning black means something else, not you turning evil but, what? What could it possibly be? I sat there trying to figure something out, but there was nothing to find. Soon one hour turned to two then two turned into a day, then two days passed. Carmen told me nobody is coming to look for me since Genie and him are pretending to be with me. Carmen still helps where he can, he tries to lessen the pain as much as possible. My cuts and bruises turned to scabs; I was so sore from all the torture Avery did. Avery left me in a freezer for three hours straight, I didn't have a lot on, and I was in so much pain I couldn't curl up into a ball.

I felt my powers slowly growing but I didn't tell Avery or Carmen. Avery even injected me with stuff to make me woozy. I don't know what he's trying to do. Soon, I was being tortured without sleep for a week straight. My mind was so foggy, and I was starting to hallucinate.

At this point, I really believe I am evil, I believed that I was horribly evil. Avery told me about the people I murdered and, I can't tell if I'm hallucinating memories or if there real but, I am evil. I had little strength left but I used everything I had to send a message to one person who would go all out to save me. Farrah help me! Avery kidnapped me; I've been here for a week. He has Genie hostage too, I can tell.

Please find Blue and help find me before it's too late. I had scars all over me, Avery finally left me alone, so I took this time to get as much sleep as possible. I don't know how long I was sleep but, something started to rumble. I woke up to the ground shaking, Boss was untying the straps on my arms.

Asher's POV

The day of Adalyn's kidnapping...

I knew Adda was coming home soon so I began to clean a little. She hates messes so I made up the bed and played a game on my phone for a while. I spaced out until I looked up from my phone and it was dark. I texted Adda but, I didn't get any replies after about twenty minutes. Where's sunny? I'll text Auggie maybe they went somewhere else.


Is Adda with you


No, I haven't seen her since she left our coffee date


She's not home either do you know where she was headed🧐



Okay now I'm worried

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