Pop Tarts

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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

"Adda I uh wanted to talk to you".

I opened the door and Genie walked in, "I'm sorry I kissed your best friend I over stepped, I shouldn't have done that". I shrugged and said, "It's not my place to judge, besides I feel like something can really become of this. Farrah acted very different around you, it seems like you two really get each other". Genie smiled and said, "Well we haven't had a discussion". Now I'm going to sing, "I know ya'll say I move on to fast, but this one gon last.

Cause her name is Ari, and I'm so good with that". Genie furrowed her brows and said, "Who randomly sings Ariana Grande like that?". I smiled proudly and said, "A great person with a wonderful sense of music". She laughed and said, "well are you alright with what's going on?". I shrugged and said, "Just don't break her heart, I've been there for a lot of them and it's not fun. Seeing her like that sucks and I don't want her to go through that again".

She nodded and I said, "Call your brother he's been calling". Genie replied, "He's your brother too". She walked out slowly as I said, "Riiiiight". I looked at the time and saw it was five thirty-three, I didn't know what to do so I called Ash. "OOOOH".

Ash replied, "who lives in a pineapple under the sea?". We began to laugh, and I said, "Hey so I saw something today but, I can't tell you. This is my way of communicating with you about my day". Ash laughed and said, "Why not?". I sighed dramatically and said, "Alas it is a secret, one of which I cannot tell my beloved".

Ash slightly laughed and said, "Well alright, hey I gotta go I love you bye". I was going to return the saying but the phone hung up, I looked at it feeling disrespected and called him back. Ash answered, "Sunny I gotta-". I cut him off, "No I didn't get to finish my sentence, that was mean. I love you too bye".

Ash laughed and said, "Did you call me back just to-". I hung up the phone and my phone started to ring, "Sunny, that was-". He hung up and I was going to call him back until I got a different call. "Hello, is this Adalyn?". I furrowed my brows not recognizing this familiar voice, it sounded adorable.

"Yes... this is?". I heard his smile through the phone as he said, "it's Auggie, I wanted to meet up with you". I smiled and said, "Of course, where and when?". He smiled and said, "Uh, it's a little late now but, how about tomorrow around four". I smiled and said, "Yeah sure but, where?".

Auggie said, "Oh ha-ha, sorry I forgot to say when- I mean where! Uhm how about we go to the infamous coffee shop". I furrowed my brows and said, "You alright August?". He sighed and said, "Yeah just school stressing me out, I'm starting to forget things a lot more. Being a psychology major is hard, nothing I can't handle though!". He said it with a determined huff, he reminds me of a kiddish version of Ash.

I smiled and said, "Alright see you then". I sighed and decided to go mess with someone, I don't know who, but I wanted to get on someone's nerves. I teleported to the Warehouse and saw Blue, Boss, Freddie, and Lili eating some fries. I walked over and grabbed some off Boss's plate and sat down. Boss said, "Hey, where'd you come from?".

I turned around and said, "My house". I leaned back in the chair and said, "Lili how's school?". Lili smiled and said, "Weird, everyone around me is older so they treat me like I'm a toddler but, I'm smarter than everyone there". I turned to Blue and said, "Isn't weird she has to enroll at a middle school at four years old? aren't you like, concerned?". Blue shrugged and said, "Well, we told her what to say in case someone says something insulting, which Lili hasn't used because I've already gotten a call saying she made a kid cry".

I furrowed my brows and looked at Lili. I said, "Jeez what did you say? Those kids are eleven to thirteen, how you make them cry?". Blue sighed and said, "Someone called her a nerd and she said at least I'm not an insecure girl dealing with acne and pregnancy scares because I'm trying to be cool even though being cool doesn't help with your future". I smiled and high fived her, Blue shook her head and Freddie said, "she wasn't done. Lili told the girl how everyone could see her daddy issues".

My mouth dropped and I grabbed her and playfully slammed her on the couch. Blue said, "Don't encourage it". Lili giggled and Boss just quietly ate, it was suspicious. I said, "Boss did you have something to do with it?". He looked up and shook his head, he said, "I had to talk to the girl's mom, she uh... she didn't look-".

Freddie interrupted and said, "He's saying she looked like a crack head". I cackled and Boss just shook his head regretting his choice of words. I looked in the pantry and said, "Where do you keep your pop tarts?". Lili tilted her head and said, "The heck is a pop tart?". I turned around with disbelief in my eyes and said, "BLUE SHE DON'T KNOW WHAT A POP TART IS!?".

Blue turned to Lili and said, "You never had a pop tart?". Lili shook her head and Boss continued, "Don't worry I'll buy some for you to try". Lili smiled and said, "Thank you Da- Boss". Boss flinched and Blue looked over shocked, I turned around and made the 'did she say what I think she just said' face. Freddie continued eating his fries unfazed, I said, "uhm?". Lili looked down and I looked at Boss, how does he feel about this?

By the time your reading this I'm three maybe four months into school by now but, I'm starting school in like two days and ya girl aint excited

I dont like people when you love them they leave when they hate you they break your heart

ooh someone make that a song

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