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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

I can't look at him right now, I keep getting flash backs to that nightmare.

Asher's POV

     Adda looked nervous, I walked over to her. I knew she had a bad dream last night, so I wanted to comfort her, maybe even talk to her. I said, "You alright homie?". As soon as her eyes met mine, her eyes turned to purple. I don't know what that means.

     I was trying to figure it out, but I noticed how nervous she looked so I let it go. I wanted to keep the eye color in mind though. Purple, remember the color is purple. We did our training, and it physically took a lot out of me. Adda said we still had left over clothes here so that was perfect for me to shower.

     I walked out and Boss said, "Time for eye color evaluation, Ash you are going to flirt with her to see what eye color that signals so we know-". I cut him off and said, "It's pink, her eye color turns pink when we 'fluster' her". Boss look sort of disgusted because I responded too quickly. Adda eyes turned orange, I looked over to Boss and he looked back at me. I said, "What does her other eye colors mean?".

     Boss brought me a piece of paper and handed it to me, I read it. Red- Angry, Orange- Annoyed, Yellow- Happy, Green- Disgusted, Blue- sad, purple- ...scared, Brown- neutral, White- Bored. So, she was annoyed with me just now. Earlier, she was scared, why was she scared? I looked up at her confused and she walked off.

Adalyn's POV

     I looked at Ash as he started reading my emotions off a paper, it kind of irritated me that he could just do that. He looked at me confused and I walked away. I need some time alone; I'm guessing my eye color changed to orange just now and earlier they changed to purple that's why he walked away. I can't even hide how I feel anymore! That makes me angry! Why can't I just change the color of my eyes? I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. My eyes where red, but they were slowly turning black.

     I looked away and took deep breaths, I walked into my room and plopped on the bed. I was on my phone minding my business until I heard a knock on the door. I already knew who it was, I also didn't feel like getting up, so I used my powers and opened the door. Ash walked in and sat down on the bed. He said, "You said it yourself the minute we stop communicating the minute this relationship falls apart".

     He looked serious, he also looked determined. I sighed and nodded to see what he wanted to say. He said, "Well for starters your eyes turned to the worst colors directed towards me. I understand you don't want to talk about it but, it really could help letting it out". I sighed and said, "Ash I can't let my emotions out like everyone else, I don't know how to let go, I can't let go. If I do my powers will be uncontrolled and I could possibly destroy this whole building. It's too dangerous".

     He frowned and said, "I wish there was a way for you to let it out, I wish I could help. The only thing I could do is be here and listen". I sighed and realized why he was so sad, He blames himself. He thinks if he could have powers too, he could help me, that's not his fault. I hugged him and rubbed his back; my phone fell on the floor.

     I picked it up and shoved it in my pocket. I kissed his cheek and said, "Stop being so sad all the time, you're the most upbeat person I know and yet, your always so sad". He smiled sadly and said, "I need to stop hanging out with your depressing friends then". I laughed and we went back downstairs, we walked into the main room and Boss said, "You two done being weird?". I tilted my head and said, "What do you mean?".

     Boss sighed and said, "You two are usually in sync, lately you haven't been. You two are getting your groove back". I furrowed my brows and looked at Ash. Ash said, "This guy". He gave Boss finger guns and clicked his tongue.

     Blue was doing something on her computer. I asked Boss, "So you're like a mafia boss and stuff so, do you have any missions-". Boss cut me off and said, "I'm starting a business". I said, "Whaaat?". Boss laughed and said, "It'll be a place to help you find people almost like a PI but better".

     I tilted my head and said, "So your clean now?". He nodded excitedly and said, "I'm signing some legal documents and doing some last-minute payments for the office". I raised my eyebrows and said, "But who can I brag to about being friends with a gang leader?". He furrowed his brows and said, "Refrain from doing that, I really hope you don't actually do that". I laughed and said, "Joking totally". Boss narrowed his eyes on mine and shook his head. I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out my back pocket.


Hey can we meet up


Yeah sure I'm training right now so any time after the next thirty minutes I'm free


Cool I'll see you then

     I laughed as I saw the next message that popped up after it

Genie in a bottle baby😎🧞‍♀️

Did Carm actually text you🙄


Yes 😂I'll see you when I see you😎

Genie in a bottle baby😎🧞‍♀️

Alrighty then😎

     Ash glanced at my phone and said, "So you're meeting your brother and sister, when do I get to meet them?" I nervously laughed.

I'm gonna eat a cinnamon raisin bagel 😄

yes be jealous because it's boutta be bomb😌💅

Adalyn and the Long Lost SiblingsWhere stories live. Discover now