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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

"So you're meeting your brother and sister, when do I get to meet them?"

     Ash tilted his head and said, "Well, I already met the parents. Don't panic I just wanted to meet them". I smiled and teleported out of the Warehouse, like my equivalent of leaving Ash on read. I read the text Carmen sent me, he wants us to meet at the same café shop. I walked into the shop, I looked at the workers and they nodded at me.

     I walked into the private room and sat down, Genie and Carmen were already there. The waiter came in and handed us drinks and a croissant, Genie winked at the waiter and the waiter blushed. Cute, the waiter walked out, and I turned back to Carmen and Genie. I said, "So, what do you need?". Carmen looked up as he took a bite of his croissant.

     I looked over at Genie and she said, "Well, we have to tell you something too". I nodded and Genie said, "As you know we both were born when mom was too young so, we didn't have powers but-". Carmen pulled up his hand signaling to stop talking, the waiter came back and said, "Are you ready to order or, would you like some refills". We shook our heads, and the waiter gave Genie a piece of paper, I'm guessing that's her number. Okay I see my sister pulling.

     The waiter winked at Genie and left, I turned back around and said, "So we just going to pretend, you didn't just flirt and get a girls number". Genie laughed and Carmen just sighed annoyed. So moody, jeez enjoy yourself. Carmen said, "We have powers, Genie can turn invisible, and I can stop time". My mouth dropped, I said "You can what? with what? how in the?".

     Carmen poured coffee into my cup and froze it, the cup was in midair, the coffee wasn't moving either. He grabbed the cup back and unfroze it, I looked at it shocked and turned back to Genie. She turned her hand invisible. Is this what people feel like when I tell them I have powers? I blinked and said, "How did you...?". I failed to complete my sentence in udder shock.

     Genie said, "Well, that's what we wanted to tell you? Avery's plan is to give people superpowers". I furrowed my eyebrows and said, "what's the problem with that". Carmen said, "Not everyone has the genetic make up for powers. Luckily, we come from Dara dynasty, so our DNA was meant for powers we just didn't get them because Allura's powers were still developing". I furrowed my brows and said, "So what happens if you don't have the genetic make-up?".

     Carmen said with a serious tone, "We call it the I.N.C disease. It stands Incurable neurological cellular disease. Basically, Avery gives you this injection and within the week you'll experience the symptoms of hallucination, weakness, dizziness, nausea, blindness. It's incurable, your cells attack one another until there's none left, and you die. Avery could kill half the world with this. The Dara family has something called A power cell in our well, cells. But, it's not the mitochondria it's an actual cell allowing bonds with unidentifiable cells and creates energy, that's why we can't get sick".

     I said, "well why does he want to do this?". Genie and Carmen looked at each other and shrugged, I sighed and sat back in my chair. I thought of something and said, "Were you two experimented on by Avery?". They nodded and I said, "Well dang, what do we do now?". Carmen said, "We have to stop him forever".

     I furrowed my brows and said, "Like kill him?". I was shocked, Genie said, "No we can just imprison him forever". Carmen said, "That'll take too much maintenance, plus we have to find a way to deactivate his powers. He could just teleport out. The only way to do this is if we kill him".

     I shook my head and said, "There is another way, we could deactivate his powers". Carmen said, "Don't waste your time, there is no way to deactivate powers like that". I sighed and said, "we don't know what we're doing, were talking about taking someone's life". Carmen said, "Avery already lived two thousand of those". I sighed and said, "Let me call my grandma and we can go visit her. She knows everything about Avery and our powers".

     I called my grandma, and it took a minute, but she answered. "Hey Grandma, I need to ask you questions about Avery". She sighed and said, "Yeah sure". We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. I looked at Genie and Carmen and said, "We're teleporting there". Genie nodded and I grabbed their shoulders.

     We arrived inside my grandma's house, and I yelled, "We're here". My grandma came out the living room and said, "We're?". She looked at Genie and Carmen and smiled softly, my grandma said, "These are my grandkids, I've always wanted to meet you". Carmen said, "Save it granny". My grandma faced snapped and said, "Who you talking to like that little boy, I'll whoop your little a-".

     My grandpa walked in and said, "Woah, woah, woah. Mimi chill out". Genie hit Carmen and he furrowed his brows. My grandma said, "Watch ya mouth, just because you ain't never met me, don't make talking to me like that okay little boy". My grandma started mumbling, "Grown man talking to me like that, you act like a four-year-old, the funniest part is that Lili more mature than you are". I laughed and covered my mouth; I didn't want to laugh in a serious situation.

     Carmen sighed and said, "I apologize". My grandma nodded with a serious facial expression and turned back to me. My grandma said, "Long ago, -", I cut her off and said, "Long ago? Grandma just give us the gist". She sighed and said, "Chile, anyway so, long ago, Avery had a friend. This friend was our first ancestor, A god came down and-".

     I furrowed my brows and said, "I thought you believed in Jesus". My grandma eyes widened and said, "I do". I furrowed my brows and said, "So our ancestor knew Jesus". My grandma said, "No child, just let me finish the story".

My mom ate the last Cinnamon raisin Bagel and I yelled "You monster" to her, we both just started dying laughing

I'm still mad though

Adalyn and the Long Lost Siblingsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن