Eye Colors

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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts


"Is Blue pregnant!".

Boss looked over shocked that I said that so loud and some of his men came walking in with excited looks on their face ready to be uncles. "NO, she isn't. We've only been together for four months". Oh Yeah! I laughed nervously as I heard a lot of tch's coming from the guards. I looked at Boss and he looked worried he said, "Why did you freak out like that, your eyes too, what's going on?".

I furrowed my brows and said, "What's wrong with my eyes?". A little worried I pulled out my phone and swiped bringing up the camera and my eyes were purple and yellow, confused I looked up at Boss and his eyes widened. I sighed and said, "It's a side effect of my powers, because I'm like the prophecy or whatever my telepathy power has increased more than it normally should and as a result of the over loaded emotions I have, it shows color in my eyes". Boss tilted his head and said "Eh?". I blinked and said, "I have to control my emotions in order to use my powers but since I have very heavy emotions as the 'prophet'".

I air quoted sarcastically, "My emotion shows in my eyes as a way of control". He replied saying, "So this has happened before?". I nodded and he continued "What emotions do they track?". I shrugged and said, "I never thought to keep track". He sighed and said, "We have like thirty minutes of training left, we can figure it out by testing out all your emotions".

We did and he wrote it down for me, Boss has surprisingly small handwriting but it's neat. I looked at the notes. Red- Angry, Orange- Annoyed, Yellow- Happy, Green- Disgusted, Blue- sad, Purple- scared, Brown- neutral, White- Bored. I read it interested in my eye colors, it's cool to see what emotions triggers what colors. Boss walked over and said "Before you leave, this isn't all your emotions but some, I prefer not to test out and others, I don't think we should now. Like what's your eye color when you're using your full power?".

I sighed and nodded, I gave him and Blue a hug and said goodbye, before I left Boss said with a smirk, "See you tomorrow". I sighed as I plopped on my bed. I looked around my room and walked out. I went downstairs to see my mom and dad eating grapes with papers in front of them. I smiled seeing them work from home, I walked into the kitchen, and they turned to me.

My dad asked, "How was training?". I sighed and said, "Well I thought Blue was pregnant and embarrassed myself, my eyes changed colors, and I'm too chicken to go meet up with Genie and Carmen because I wasn't ready and didn't expect to find them on the first day". I sat in the island chair with a huff and sighed. "Well, are you going to look for them?". I nodded and focused on my turkey sandwich, I ate it careful not to drop any sauce or lettuce.

My mom said, "Grandma and Grandpa are coming over tomorrow around noon so whatever you are doing tomorrow make sure you have time to say hi". I nodded and ate my sandwich, and it was peaceful until I heard running and yelling. I looked up and Niko yelled "Laura, tell Farrah that the only way you're not a psychopath is if you put socks on before putting on your pants. Farrah yelled back and said, "No dummy it's after". My mom was ignoring them, and I said calmly "It depends on the look, like if you're wearing high-waters cover them up with high socks, but it you're wearing something like joggers tuck them in and if you want to pull them up you can make it look edgier".

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