Last Words

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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

This chapter sound like someone getting murdered😭🤚

"It's me Hazel".

     My smile dropped and I felt like I was panicking again, Ash remembers who she is so, he stood in front of me as if to protect me from her words. Ash turned around and said, "it's alright I'll handle it". I smiled because he was doing this for me but, I wanted to say something to this chick. I said, "No I got this!". I walked in front of him and said, "I've wanted to say this for a long time. You are screwed up, you're disgusting, and I hope you get genuine help. I'm sorry for the pain I caused you, and I blamed myself for your weight at the time but, now I see that I shouldn't do that".

     Hazel looked furious and said, "I can't believe you! I came here to explain myself and say sorry. I was jealous of you and wanted so badly to look, act, even smell like you!". I looked at her and said, "Whatever, I'm not mad about it, I just said it so my younger self would be proud of me. I don't care about what you have to say, it happened a long time ago". Hazel looked at me and said, "So do you want to rekindle our friendship".

      I looked her in the eyes and walked away, I hope she took that as a fat no. Rekindle our friendship? what we had was never a friendship it was a facade. Ash looked at me and said, "You alright?". I smiled and said, "I feel satisfied". Auggie put his hands on my shoulders and said, "Who was that?".

     Ace looked up from his phone showing he wanted to know too. Freddie walked up behind me and said, "Hey found you guys, Carmen and Genie were in the parking lot with me". I sighed and said, "Yeah, I'll tell you about her in a session". Genie looked at me and said, "About who? And what do you mean by session?". I sighed and said, "Nothing, how are you though?".

     Genie looked at Carmen and said, "Did Carmen tell you he thinks I'm going crazy?" My eyes widened and I asked, "How'd you know?". Genie leaned in and said, "I can read his mind". I chuckled and said, "You've just been acting really normal like nothing happened". Carmen said, "We have been kidnapped and tortured before though".

     He said it so nonchalantly that Freddie started laughing. Ash just shook his head and said, "Let's go to that store". He pointed at a clothing store, and we began to walk toward it. I looked around and said, "Hey bo, you like these shoes?". Ash looked at them and said, "These are fire!".

     I smiled and said, "I'm getting them for Lili, since I missed her birthday". I frowned, Ash said, "Hey, it's not your fault". I sighed and said, "You guys couldn't even celebrate it properly because I got kidnapped". Ash said, "Blame that on Avery for abducting you. You haven't even fully healed your internal or external wounds yet".

     I breathed in harshly and decided to pick up the shoes. I waved to one of the girls and she walked over. I said, "Can you get me these in a size eleven, please?". The girl smiled and said, "In kids, right?". I nodded and she walked into the back.

     I walked back over to the rest of the group, and they were all sitting around chilling. Ash sat next to Freddie and said, "What did you guys do for Lili's birthday?". I heard a slap noise and decided to ignore it. Freddie shrugged and said, "Nothing really, we got her some cake and a lot of candy, we bought her a swing set for the backyard. Boss's men ended up working on it and now they're buying a whole playground set for the Warehouse backyard".

     The lady tapped my shoulder, and I jumped a little, her eyes widened and she said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!". I laughed and said, "That's completely fine, I know you didn't mean it. Thank you". I grabbed the pair of shoes and showed Freddie the shoes. Freddie said, "These are nice, are you getting these for Lili?".

     I nodded and we started to walk out the store. I said, "The whole point of us coming to the mall was so you could spend money too". Auggie said, "I'm a college student". Ash laughed and I said, "Right, ya'll never have money". Auggie sighed and looked up, he saw an Uncle Anne's and said, "Dang I kind of want a pretzel too".

     I laughed and said, "Come on then I'll get everyone a pretzel". I paid and everyone got their pretzel. I said, "You know, I probably don't tell you guys this much but, I love you guys. I really appreciate everyone single one of you". Auggie smiled and Ace smirked, Ace said, "You love me?".

     I said, "Ace, I honestly forgot you were here...". Ace furrowed his brows and said, "I just got slapped across the face when we were in the shoe store, how did you not see that?!". I jerked my head back and said, "Who you yelling at?". Freddie said, "That's what you get for flirting so much". I laughed and looked pass Ace and saw something. More like someone, I said, "I- Is that Avery?".

I'm dozing so forgive if this chapter makie no sensy🥲🥱😴😪

Adalyn and the Long Lost SiblingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon