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~Bold means speech. 
~Bold italics means authors note
~Italics means thoughts
~Underlined italics means other thoughts

"Boss, I need to ask you something".

He looked up from his phone and looked me in the eye. I looked down immediately, I still hate eye contact, I feel stuck. He smiled and said "Shoot". I nodded and said, "Genie and Carmen". He nodded and I continued "They're my siblings, but you knew that didn't you?".

Boss rested his arms on the table and interlocked his hands. He said "I wouldn't say I knew but, I had a sneaking suspicion. What else do you know?". I sighed and said, "They don't have powers". He smiled and said "Wrong, they do but, you're not here for me to tell you all of that. That story is for them to tell, you're here because you want me to track them down again, right?".

I nodded and Boss replied "We will start tomorrow, meet me at the warehouse I'll text you the location. Meet me there at nine o clock". Niko walked into the dining room and asked, "Everything alright?". I smiled and said, "We're going to start looking for my siblings". Niko replied, "Okay but, be careful some people don't want to be found".

I nodded and Boss said "Jeez, that was dark and deep. She's right though don't get your hopes up like you never do". I laughed and said, "Well you're always optimistic, we have to balance each other out or else we'll never get anywhere". He smiled and I laughed happily, Boss continued the conversation by asking "How is your growth in powers?". By this time Lili and Blue walked into the room and everyone else was kind of following in.

They all sat at the dining room table, and I said, "Well a lot has happened". I looked around and continued "I started the first month with teleportation, I've grown a lot. I can now take people and objects that are on me, with me but my limit is two people. I also can now teleport out of the town; it took a lot, but I memorized the town layout, so teleporting is easier. I can summon small teleblast but not powerful ones yet. I can also move people with my mind to, it takes a lot out of me, but I can handle it, I used to pass out and Ash would get worried but once I got the hang of it the passing out stopped. My telepathy has grown the most out of my three powers. I can communicate with anyone I want with my mind, and I can have three-way conversations. My powers have grown a lot these past three months, but I know they can do a lot more".

Everyone nodded and Blue slightly smiled. Lili said "Hey, where is that Avery guy? You said he would be here". Boss face contorted and so did Freddie and Blue's. I said, "He told me to tell you three that you can try and meet again but, he had to go to work so". I trailed off when I looked at Boss's face.

I asked, "What's wrong?". Boss said "I can't tell you, but I can warn you. Please, be careful around this Avery guy". I nodded and we continued to talk for the rest of the night. I fell asleep on the couch in the basement, I don't really remember how we got there but we did. I woke up to a blaring alarm.

I smacked it multiple times mad it woke me up but also in attempt to turn it off. I looked at the time and it was seven in the morning, me not being a normal human woke up on the first try. I stumbled to the bathroom and used it. I walked back into the main area of the basement and sighed. I didn't wake anybody up except for Ash, he was looking around for me.

I tilted my head and said, "Good morning". I whispered so I wouldn't wake anyone up, Lili, Blue, Boss, and Freddie were all gone already. It was just Niko and Farrah sleeping in the same spots as before. He walked up to me and gave me a tired hug slightly putting his weight on me. He let loose with a sigh and went into the bathroom to get a spare toothbrush.

Adalyn and the Long Lost SiblingsWhere stories live. Discover now