Getting Ready

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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

Am I turning evil? 

     I looked at Avery and said, "No I won't. What you're doing is wrong and I can't join you. What is with the change of heart?". Avery laughed and said, "You don't think I spy on you? I know what you're doing. You're trying to take me down and I won't let it happen! THIS IS WAR, I DESERVE YOUR POWERS MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE. I SHOULDN'T DIE FOR THEM". 

     I flinched at the sudden shouting and hopped back a little. Carmen looked over at me and sighed, Avery teleported to wherever he's staying, and I was left with Genie and Carmen. Carmen turned to me and asked, "Are you scared of Avery?". I shook my head and said, "The yelling just shocked me, I'm fine". Carmen analyzed me for a second and crossed his arms walking away. 

     Genie was looking at me weird but didn't speak on her thoughts. I heard everyone continue to talk meaning time unfroze. I walked back into the kitchen and Auggie stood in his spot confused. He looked over at me and said, "Oh hey, did you just teleport?". I sighed and said, "No time froze, Avery tried to attack me". 

     Ash whipped his head around and said, "What! Are you okay?". I nodded and said, "It's fine, he said it meant war. So know we have to come up with an actual plan. He's been watching us so we have to be more careful". Ash walked up to me and said, "You're not leaving this house". 

     I laughed and said, "No, I am so chill out, I can protect myself". Ash looked in my eyes and rubbed my arm, he's the only person I can look in the eye. But not for long, I turned my head and he said, "Are you sure?". I nodded and he sighed dramatically, I laughed and he walked away. Auggie just stood there entertained and whispered, "He's such a softie around you, he always act so tough but if only people saw how he was around people he loves". 

     I smiled and nodded, Blue walked over and said, "Alright well, we have to get going. Lili shouldn't have been up this early she has school in a couple of hours". I said, "Alright see ya later then". She nodded her head to signal lets go and Boss, Freddie, and Lili followed. I heard the door closed and said, "I'm tired now, I'm going to bed. Okay, I'll see you around four".

     I clicked my tongue and left to my room, I plopped on my bed and instantly fell asleep. A nightmare yay! Gene, Carm, why are you leaving me why do you have to leave me. No Avery don't do it. No, you killed everyone, ASH WAKE UP NOOOO. August! NO LILI. 

     AVERY, YOU KILLED A CHILD! I shot back up, my heart was pounding but I was so tired, my eyes kept falling shut. I heard something move in my room, so I turned around, Ash was looking at me concerned. I said confused, "What are you doing in my bed?". Ash laughed and said, "I came here to sleep, you waddled into here and fell asleep instantly. I was laying right next to you". 

     My eyes widened and I said, "I didn't even know you were in here". Ash laughed but then his face turned serious and said, "You were mumbling my name. You started whimpering and then you called out Lili's name. Then you woke up". I looked at the covers and started fiddling with a loose string. 

     I sighed and said, "Yeah I watched Avery slaughter everyone in front of my eyes". I said it so casually and Ash's eyes widened. He said, "Can you look at me or, do you have flash backs?". I sighed and said, "I'm used to the nightmares now, so yeah I can look at you". Ash lowered his worried pout and said, "Can I touch you?". 

     I looked at him and said, "Yeah, it's fine". Ash smiled and pulled me into a hug, he lied back down and breathed softly. I was starting to get tired again but, I didn't want to fall asleep again. Ash slowly rocked me for comfort, and I fell back to sleep. I had a simple dream this time, it wasn't anything bad until, my alarm turned on. 

     I woke up and turned it off, I lied there staring at the ceiling for a second and was about to fall back to sleep, but I rolled off the bed and hit the floor. I only did this to wake myself up, I walked into my bathroom and got ready for my friend date with Auggie. Ash knocked on the bathroom door and said, "Can I come in?". I was fully dressed; I was just doing my hair. I said, "Yeah that's okay?". 

     Ash walked in, he looked for somewhere to sit so he sat on the closed toilet. He said, "Where are you going?". I smiled and said, "On a date". Ash smiled and said, "Oh with who? Is he better than me?". I chuckled and said, "In every way possible, he is so much better at games than you, he's adorable, funny, and smart". 

     Ash raised an eyebrow and said, "Dang I can't believe your cheating on me". I laughed and said, "And it's with Auggie". Ash froze and said, "Yeah, I'd cheat on you with him too". I laughed and said, "Ayo". Ash laughed too and said, "I never take you on dates, why is that?". 

     I shrugged and said, "You don't need to, I'm happy with just your company around". Ash said, "I know, I'm amazing but, you deserve better". I laughed and said, "Trust me, I don't even like eating out". Ash smiled and said, "I'm taking you on a date to an expensive restaurant". I laughed and said, "Oh yeah, and where are we going?". Ash said, "Front back steakhouse, that place is expensive". I laughed and said, "On baby".

Sometimes I wished I had a boyfriend while making this story🙂

then I realize I'm attracted to the male race and I'm grateful I don't have a boyfriend😐

Okay see you next time😀

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