Not So Casually Kidnapped

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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

We all turned our heads, the door jingled and in walked... Meghan.

I rolled my eyes. Meghan looked around and we stared until her eyes landed on Rose. She soon realized that Auggie and I were there too, she scoffed and walked over to us. She whispered shouted "What are you two doing here?!". I rolled my eyes and said, "Getting coffee, dumbo".

Meghan scoffed and folded her arms, she continued, "Get out, this is my coffee place". Auggie cut in and said, "Yeah, just like how Ash was your boyfriend. You had no trouble being shared, neither does this coffee shop". Rose turned around; I could tell she was laughing. Meghan face darkened and said, "That was a different time, how many times do I have to say I'm sorry?".

I whipped my head around and said, "Ash still suffers because of your manipulative little acts. Sorry won't cut it, YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO THINK SAYING SORRY THREE TIMES IS ENOUGH FOR HIM TO FORGIVE YEARS OF DAMAGE YOU CAUSED!". Meghan yelled back, "HE'S RICH, WHAT IS THERE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT?  I SAID I'M SORRY, THAT'S ALL I CAN DO". I lowered my voice, "Yeah, well I guess you're right; your mouth does do all the work. All you do is gossip, lie, cheat, and manipulate".

I stepped forward but Auggie put his arm back, signaling don't go further. Meghan replied, "What's wrong with your eyes? Whatever freak, whatever fling you have with Ash won't last". She turned around and slowly walked out the café. I'm so done, this is too much. Everywhere I go it's more secrets and lies.

I promised to myself I'd never surround myself with them, and it's exactly what I've done. I'm just tired, I don't want to go through this every day. I looked at Auggie and said, "I'm going to head home, I hope you two figure out the misunderstanding. Rose, Auggie truly doesn't know what happened and, Auggie, check your ex-girlfriend". Auggie furrowed his brows and turned to Rose.

I walked out while I heard the jingle, I turned around to see what the bell looked like. I turned my head back down, my body felt so heavy. I felt like I just needed to sleep, I fought through the urge until I couldn't. I blacked out, I woke up with a bright light in my face, my vision was still blurry. I heard breathing and glass clinking. Where the heck am I? I closed my eyes, now's that time you use your training, now's the time to use sight with no eyes.

I breathed quietly so whoever was in the room with me wouldn't now about me being awake. My ears heard the wind blow and I felt their vibration, I felt the wind blow around a person. I saw a male body make up, well who's this guy? The guy turned around and stared at my still body. CARMEN, WHY AM I HERE? My eyes stayed shut, I'm not sure what is going on. Knowing what I know, the possibilities for Avery's powers are limitless, he could be shape shifted into Carmen's body for all I know.

The man walked closer and said, "Adda, I know you're awake". I kept my eyes closed, Carmen leaned in and stared. I know what he's doing, he's waiting for me to start laughing. I couldn't help it, my smile busted out and I let out a spit laugh. Carmen backed up and waited for me to finish.

I finish laughing soon and said, "So why am I strapped in this hospital bed?". Carmen said, "I kidnapped you". I smiled and said, "Alright, so why'd you kidnap me?". Carmen smiled and said, "Well I was working for Avery this whole time". I tried to shoot up, but I was stuck to the bed, Carmen looked me dead in the eye.

I said frantic, "What, what, no, WHERE'S GENIE? GENIE LIED TO MY FACE TOO? NO! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO ME?". Carmen put a gag in my mouth and left, completely ignored. I thought more into it, Adda I trust you, he said those exact words. Almost like he was crying for help. I sat there calmly and waited.

Carmen came back in and looked around, he opened his palm and I felt something weird in my stomach. I looked at him and said, "What did you just do?". Carmen sighed and said, "I can pause time but, what I didn't tell you that I could also create pockets of time to repeat repeatedly, we are in a pocket time world, at least that's what I call it. We can have a private conversation, nobody is listening". I relaxed and said, "What's really going on, you didn't think I believed that act for a second, did you?".

Carmen said, "I left you small messages that I needed help, Avery did something to my sister. She doesn't know but, he's making me help him". I tilted my head and said, "Making you help him how?". Carmen sighed and said, "You are going to undergo lots of torture, Avery is going to try and make you give him your powers". I looked at him with widened eyes and said, "I don't know how, that's only been done by one person. My great grandmother gave my grandma powers because she was born without them. Why do you think grandma knows so much about her heritage? because she feels like if she does, she is making good on what her mom gave her. She feels like she's in debt. I've never been taught this method because my great grandma passed before she could".

Carmen sighed and said, "Well, Avery doesn't know that, and I can't tell him that because then he'll know I've talked to you". I closed my eyes and said, "Why can't I use my powers?". Carmen glanced at the straps, "The straps have needles in them, there slowly dripping chemicals that stop your powers from manifesting, the more you move the more pain you'll be in". He looked back at me with the most apologetic eyes and walked out the room. Guess I'm not so casually kidnapped anymore.

LOL okay so fun fact, the story was original going to be called casually kidnapped. But, I realized that wouldn't work because she doesn't get kidnapped until the near end... yes the story is ending soon.

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