The Mall

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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

Oh, she's smart, she gave us information about her saying on us just to avoid the conversation about me asking her to move in

     I woke up from the deep sleep I had, I haven't slept that good in a long time. I looked at my phone to check the time, it said, January 9, 2021, nine fifty-four AM. I sighed, I got up and the normal routine until I thought of something.


Where is my good morning text??😄


Can you come over?



     Suspicious, I don't like it. I did my morning routine and grabbed a quick granola bar. I took a bite and teleported, I stood on his rug and looked around. Where's Ash? I felt something behind me so, I flipped it over my shoulder. Ash landed on the bed and laughed.

     Ash said, "Geez when did you get so strong?". I covered my mouth and said, "Sorry, I thought you were Avery". He smiled goofily but I saw he understood. I said, "What did you need?". He sighed and said, "Well I wanted to meet your siblings so I was wondering if I could meet with them. I also wanted to tell you good morning in person".

     I sighed and said, "It's not a good time, they just met me". Ash sat on his bed and said, "Well don't you think letting them meet me will make them think you take their opinion seriously?". I shook my head and said, "It's not like that, I don't want to pressure them. Look, Genie might feel that way but, Carmen is very cut off person. Why are you pushing it so much?".

     Ash plopped back on the couch and groaned. He said, "Well, I know how you are about your family, I feel left out but also, like I'm not a part of the family. I'm used to hanging out with your family, I'm used to having fun with them. Now I can't meet the two most important people in your life". I nodded and said, "I understand, if you want to meet them so bad then, you can BUT, you have to let me check if it's okay with them, alright?".

     Ash sat up and nodded like a child. I gave him a quick kiss and said, "Alright I have to go now, Farrah wants to go shopping today". Ash pouted and said, "Fine leave me then". I laughed and he smiled, Ash said, "You look beautiful today". My eyes widened and I said, "Alright stop it, I love you and I'll call you later".

     Ash said, "I love you too, don't forget about me". I smiled and plopped on the couch in the lounge area in the west wing. I sighed and knocked on the door, Farrah opened and said, "Yes you're here, let's go". She slammed the door and pulled my hand. She drove us to the mall, and we walked in.

     She ran into the Truck's and was looking at the shoes. I already had enough shoes; she just didn't want to go alone. I looked at all the shoes and was tempted but, I want to save my money. Farrah turned around with a pair of shoes and walked to the cashier, he looked at me and got red in the face. I said, "You alright sir?".

     He smiled and said, "Yeah it's just, you're the princess". I laughed and said, "Oh, are you a fan? if you want anything just ask". I said nonchalantly and he almost jumped over the desk. He said, "Can I get a picture? and, can you follow me back on my socials?". He was rubbing the back of his neck like he was asking a lot.

     I smiled and said, "Yeah of course!". He smiled and we took a picture and I followed him. He instantly gained two thousand followers within seconds. He was looking at his phone shocked and I walked away. Farrah said, "Why are you always so nice to your fans?".

     I smiled and said, "They support me, they let me vent, they accept me no matter what, they see me for who I truly am, there so nice, there hilarious, and they love me. How could I not appreciate them?". Farrah smiled and said, "You sound like Ash". I fake threw up and she laughed, we turned into a store and started looking around. I looked to my left and saw Genie, I said, "Sis that you?".

     Genie ducked but then she saw me, she walked over and said, "Wouldn't it be bad if people found out you have a sister". I furrowed my brows and said, "I'm not embarrassed by you, so why would it be bad". Genie shrugged and looked at Farrah, her eyes flashed a bit and she walked forward. Genie said, "Do you have a problem with me Farrah?". Farrah furrowed her brows and said, "No, I don't".

     Genie asked, "So why do you get so quiet when I'm around?". Farrah thought for a moment and said, "Well, you just met Adda, and I want you two to spend as much time with each other as possible". Genie sighed out relief and said, "Oh thank god!". Farrah tilted her head but left it alone. I furrowed my brows, that was weird, like really weird.

     Genie joined our shopping trip, and we were there for an hour until we called it quits. We walked out of the mall together and went opposite ways, I yelled before Genie got too far away, "My offer still stands about living with us". Genie turned around and smiled while waving. I sighed and we walked to the car, I got in and Farrah sat on the driver's seat. I looked at her and said, "Why are you acting so weird around Genie, you were acting normal last time- wait. Does it have to do with her sexuality?".

     Farrah said, "NO! no it's not that". I furrowed my brows and said, "Farrah, what are you a homophobe?". Farrah said, "Trust me, that is not it. Genie just makes me curious; she seems secretive. I didn't want to say anything but, what if she is one of the bad guys?". I sighed and said, "I seriously doubt that".

OOH a little susy sis with Farrah and Genie, how will it play out?🥴

seriously a wiggling eyebrow emoji would solve world hunger😒

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