Family Meeting

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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

how does he feel about this?

     We all went silent for about fifteen minutes until Freddie even got annoyed with silence. "Did you almost accidentally call Boss dad?". Lili flinched and Boss looked like he wanted to hit him. I just pretended to do something on my phone so Lili would think I wasn't paying attention so it wouldn't be as awkward. Freddie looked really mean all the time, very serious in fact but his face seemed to be sincere and so was his tone. 

     Lili makes everyone soft, never seen him like this before. Lili nodded like she was scared; she obviously didn't hear the sincerity in his voice. Freddie put his hand on her shoulder and smiled sincerely at her, tilting his head to make sure she saw his face. He's being an uncle right now, eww get it, I guess. Lili said, "Are you mad at me?".  

     Blue breathed with amusement and smiled. Ew now Blue being a mom, get it, I guess. Blue said, "Why would we be mad, it happens". Boss smiled and said, "Yeah were not mad". Lili said, "But I've been calling you Boss for as long as I remember. I want to give you a nickname". 

     I laughed ruining the moment because it was getting too awkward for me. I said while everyone looked at me angrily, "His nickname is Bubbly raccoon, remember?". Lili giggled and said, "But I want one with sincerity". Boss said, "I remember when this gang- I mean group of people took me in and I didn't know what it was like to have a dad. You know what I called the group leader?". 

     Lili smiled and said, "What?". Boss said, "I didn't call him dad I called him pops". Ew Boss being a pops, get it, I guess. Lili tilted her head and said, "Pops? Sounds catchy". Boss laughed and Freddie smiled. 

     Ew they're being a family, get it, I guess. The started hugging and that's when I got up to use the bathroom, I can't handle this family lovey dovey stuff. I walked back into the Living area, and they were all looking at me, Lili took a sip of her drink and said, "Where'd you go?". I pointed to the bathroom door and continued, "Ya'll was being all lovey dovey and then the uhm and the whoopsie whoop and then you were all like aww and crap so yeah". Lili nodded and everyone else said, "What the heck did you just say?". I sighed and said, "Only Lili will ever get me. I'm going home you ruined it for me. I'm going to MY family now". 

     Freddie shrugged and said, "They probably all sleep anyway". I furrowed my brows offended and teleported into the Kitchen. I started mumbling "what type of people don't have pop tarts? And the audacity to be all family like, and then to insinuate I don't spend time with my family. Disgusting, whatever. I'm amazing I don't need them". 

     "You should try therapy; it'll help with the voices". I turned around and shocked to hear a voice to see Niko sitting at the dining room table eating a beef cup of noodles. I said, "Wow already surviving off noodles, you're a full fledge college student now". Niko sighed and said, "Yeah, but don't change the subject. What where you mumbling about?". I shrugged and said, "Nothing, Freddie was being a donkey butt". 

     Niko started cackling and said, "He was being a butt butt". I said, "Yes the PG-13 butt butt". Farrah walked into the living turning the corner and said, "What are you guys talking about?". She was laughing so I understood she over heard what I was saying. Niko turned around and said, "Freddie was being a butt".

     Far chuckled at our childishness and sat down. She looked a little serious and said, "Well, I have something I want to tell everyone including you Niko, I uh I'm really scared to say it". Niko looked at her confused and said, "What is it?". Farrah shook her head and said, "No tomorrow, I'll tell you tomorrow". I looked at them both and said, "Alright, I'm heading to bed. See you tomorrow, I'm going out at four to meet with someone". 

     Niko whipped her head around and said, "You have other friends?". I sarcastically laughed and went to my room, I lied there until I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning to a knock on the door, I looked at the time. January 13, 2021, five twenty-nine AM. WHO THE HECKEROONI IS WAKING ME UP THIS EARLY. 

     I sighed and opened the door; Farrah was standing their nervously. I looked at her suspiciously and said, "What's going on?". She sighed and said, "This was the only time I could get ahold of your parents, and everyone else so". Farrah trailed off and I walked back in my room to brush my teeth. We walked downstairs into the living room. 

     Everyone was there My mom, my dad, My grandma, my grandpa, August, Ace, Ash, Blue, Boss, Carmen, Danyon, Freddie, Genie, Lili, Niko, and Nova. Everyone looked up at me and watched me sit down, they were trying to see if I knew what was going on. I did but, I didn't feel like explaining. Farrah stood in the middle of the living room and started to speak. She said, "I uh- I wanna tell you something". 

     Freddie sighed and leaned back, he said, "Would have never guessed". Farrah rolled her eyes and looked at me, I think she was trying to keep herself calm while talking. I could see she was freaking out, so I gave a tired smile, I saw her shoulders relax and I winked. She nodded slightly and looked at everyone else. "I'm, I uh- I don't want to say it I'm scared". 

     Genie stood up and held her hand, Carmen eyes widened, and I just watched. Farrah got a boost of courage and said, "I'm Bisexual!".

If you could have anyone of these characters in real life which one would it be

I personally want a Auggie in my pocket

ANYWHO I havent had a lot of time to write so im glad I've been writing in advance

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