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     So I have siblings huh, that makes since. What do I do now with this information? Who are they? What do they look like? What do they smell like? odd question but this is something I want to know. I've always grown up alone but now I know I could've grown up with people who could guide me through life. What am I supposed to do? Should I try to talk to them? Will they hate me? Do they have there own family? Great question but this is something I want to know. I've always wanted older siblings but now I know that I have them. 

     How will I find them? Will they like me? Will they think I'm funny? Unneeded thought but, it's important to me. I don't have the resources to find them, besides I want an excuse to wait it out. Blue, Blue could help me but, will she? Of course she would but, she's currently suffering the consequences of her actions. Boss, is in jail and Freddie, I don't think he even knows how to put a password into a computer. Lili, I wonder if she inherited her mom's technological gene's. 

     No, I shouldn't ask a four year old to do this huge project for me, that's too much for a four year old. Fact, she isn't like other four year olds. She has a sixty year old soul in that small body. Fact, she has a lot of personality for a four year old. Probability, she likely won't be able to do it.

     What do I do know? Should I wait for the gang to be together completely and then start searching for my siblings? That's three months though, well fact, I am nervous to meet them, what if I do something embarrassing? what if they hate royals? what if they hate me? what if they're really mean?... I guess will have to find out this year.

MISS ME?! 😭🥲

the first chapter is coming out this Monday stay tuned! 🥱

I'm still working on the ending then I'll be really done.😴✌️

Missed my quiet audience, how's it going?🧐

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