Eve with a centaur! S/O

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Okay so like

I'm playing nier automata again (okay at this point do I do anything else?) and I finished Simone's boss fight and saw Adam and Eve's first cutscene

And since Eve is the most precious little brother to be found I decided to make a series of mythical s/o relationship headcanons

Because you know what mythical creatures would totally still be alive

Anyways here first up is centaur


honestly, I'm not even sure if he fully understands the whole "mythical creature" thing. I wouldn't be surprised if Adam told Eve that centaurs weren't real, so an awful lot of the relationship is teasingly hiding and/or jokingly telling Eve that you're a figment of his imagination

• The other part of your relationship is being Eve's emotional support creature (he hates saying that but you love the title) and Adam even made you a small armband to make it official.

•he asks! So many! Questions! Tbh Adam will too, but Eve will ask you questions about the most trivial things ("what's murder?" "What's opera?" "What's a musical?" "Who was Shakespear and why did people like his sad stories?") Honestly just answer each one patiently you're never going to get them all

•Also since centaurs (like Chiron) were known for being great teachers, you can bet he'd beg for you to teach him archery, swordfighting, anything.

•You're more at home in the forest than anywhere else and you can't visit the copied city for one major reason (namely HOW IS ONE TO CLIMB A LADDER WITH HOOVES) so he'll visit you in the forest as often as possible

•Theres no other way to say this but you're giving Eve a lot of rides-he loves being able to wrap his arms around your waist. Would you accept this under normal circumstances? No. Jumping on your back was a sure fire way for the stupid fool to get themselves killed. But it's Eve and as long as he gives you warning or at least has an excuse, you don't mind.

•You're definitely more tuned into nature than he expected and he's always amazed at your knowledge of medicinal herbs and even what berries are good to eat.

•Are there wolves??? Well there are now; you've had to fight some off once and eve has never seen you look so hot

•Honestly I'm not even sure how Adam feels about your relationship but hey you impress him with your knowledge and wisdom that he doesn't sabotage the relationship and even goes with you and Eve on excursions every now and then.


Okay that was really cute ngl

Alright which creature should I do next? If I do like a dragon or something it'll be a dragon who can take on a human form

Anyways, this is part of my thank you for the watty awards thing I saw the other day.

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