Grimoire: Kaine Headcanons

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This is a mix of relationship/general headcanons

Also Kaine will be very similar to A2 just saying

Headcanons requested by Dev_fps34Az


*She is not a picky eater. Will eat anything you put down in front of her. Honestly unless it's really moldy or bad then that might be a "no I'm not eating this" but other than that...

*Good luck getting into a relationship with her, but I imagine the best way to earn her respect is to be able to get some back and forth banter.

*Yes she does get cold. Lend her your coat. No she will not admit to being cold nor will she ask for the coat but it definitely means the world to her when she wakes up with your coat

*Hurt Emil you answer to her. No exceptions.

*You and Emil surprise her with flower chains all the time. Just imagine that. You're welcome.

*If you can't keep up with Kaine she's gonna move on without you unless you are wounded in a way that hinders your ability to move quickly

*Will spar with you all you need is ask

*If the two of you ever decide to marry you let Emil help with planning so yes unicycles are involved and also Nier may or may not have caught the bouquet

*She hates when you get into fights about her but you don't know why she can't come into Nier's village with you

*You and Emil are the two anchors of the group cause you got Nier and his anger  and Weiss with himself and Kaine and her attitude so it's nice to have two people who can calm things down

*Who am I kidding Emil is great but he isn't always the best at keeping everyone settled I'm sorry you're pretty much on your own there

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