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Rosalind watched next to James and Lily Potter as Harry ran to hug Hermione and Ron, having just defeated Voldemort and ending him once and for all. She knew all along that he could do it, whether she was there to help him or not she knew that the little boy she helped from first year was strong enough to finally take down the creature who brought him the most utter pain.

She just wished she could have been the one to hug him instead of watching him in him in ghost form, she could see them but they couldn't see her.

That's what hurt the most about death.

For the last two- to- three years she had to watch feeling utterly useless as more destruction hit and more deaths had taken place. She had to watch as people moved on, found ways to live without her and try to find the will to be happy again. She got to watch Maximus fall in love and carry her dream with him to go and live in Romania with the dragons, she got to watch Tonks fall in love with a pretty red haired girl who held the most sarcasm she had ever seen, they were the most adorable couple and she wished she could have met her. She got to watch her father figures get married and plan to adopt a child if they made it out alive after the battle and she got to watch Bill and Danielle have a baby boy of their own; named Rory Weasley.

She still got to watch all of their happiness, getting to see what good came out of the shitty world.

But she shouldn't have been forced to see the love of her life never move on, to cry herself to sleep every night clutching her old leather jacket just to try and find her left over scent, her lover shouldn't have had to go through stages of depression where she burst into fits of anger and tried to push everyone away because she felt like she couldn't function without Her.

Rosalind's heart broke when she saw Fleur go off crying as her friend flew off onto her honeymoon with her newly found husband; she cried because it should have been her and Rosalind that ran off to their happy ending but her fiancé was ripped away from her, without so much as a goodbye.

Rosalind got to meet people again on the other side, she got to see some of her loved ones once again but just like her they shouldn't have been there.

Cedric diggory shouldn't have been the first to greet her when her soul finally found peace, James and Lily Potter shouldn't have been waiting to meet her for the first time since she was four to thank her for looking after their son, she shouldn't have met Marlene and Dorcas  on the other side and found good friends -found family- in them just because they were all dead. She shouldn't have met her brother a few months after she had died herself, she shouldn't have had to hold him as he cried into her arms telling her how sorry he was.

Reinmond lost himself to the darkness and pain, he killed himself because it became too much. He was only alive because of his sister and now that she had gone, he had nothing to live for anymore. He took his own life and found peace too, his peace was his little sister.

As the battle happened she shouldn't have come face to face with people where she could hug and touch them again, Fred Weasley shouldn't have been able to collide with her once he saw her, she shouldn't have seen so many familiar faces come up to her and greet her like she had just been away on a long holiday.

She shouldn't have been greeted with the love of her life once more. Not that early anyways.

"Rosalind?" The spirit that was Rosalind Knight stilled hearing the woman she loved call her name, she shook her head thinking it must have been the girl Fleur stood somewhere close talking about her. It couldn't be. She shouldn't be behind her, she shouldn't be able to see her. Lily turned her to face her and held her face in her hands softly, a sad smile on her lips.

"She's here" The motherly woman said, stilling Rosalind's head from shaking 'no'. Fleur couldn't be there, she had followed her all the way through the battle to make sure she didn't see her die, Fleur had promised Sirius that she would try and live for Rosalind, she couldn't have died. Rosalind would have seen it.


"Oui" tears welled up in her eyes once she heard the clarification from the woman she loved more than anyone. Turning her gaze away from Lily, James walked up and rubbed her back once she let out a sob seeing Fleur- in ghost form like herself-stood infront of her.

"You cant be dead-" James pushed her forwards gently, making her walk into Fleurs hold, more sobs leaving her lips as she felt her touch once again.

"I didn't see it coming, I didn't see your father behind me. I was ready to live for you but It seemed that it was my time to be with you again Instead" more tears slipped from Rosalind's cheeks as she couldn't help herself from smashing their lips together, her emotions were all over the place and she just needed her lover in that moment.

"I've been ready for this for a long time Rosalind, we can be together now"

"I know this is really sad and all mini padfoot, but I think you'd want to see Charlie propose to Max right now?"


They weren't only one anymore, they became two again but in the circumstances they didn't want.

They were both dead and in death they found their loves once more.


But what if there was a way to bring the girl everyone loved most back?

What if...

No that wouldn't be possible..

Would it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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