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Losing someone you loved would never be easy, the pain of them not being there anymore would always sting no matter how much time had passed. The only way to not lose yourself to the pain was to accept it, acknowledge it and welcome it, not pushing it away in denial or separating yourself from the living for the dead.

Maximus knew the feeling of losing someone, he had experienced that pain when his dad was killed. He had tried pushing people away, tried grieving on his own and it didn't work, it just ruined him. He hated how he became and promised to never become that way again.

Holding Rosalind's hand tightly in his own, he stared at the headmaster infront of him. Dumbledore having gathered everyone in the great hall for a memorial for Cedric. Rosalind let him grip onto her, let him cry on her shoulder just as she did when he first experienced the heartbreak of losing someone, she would always be there for him. She would never let him go through that alone. Fleur was on the other side of her, not sitting with her own school as she wanted to be with her girlfriend in this moment, she knew, she knew Rosalind was everyone's shoulder to cry on and she was the person who cared for people but she needed someone to care for her. Fleur promised she would hold her and be that person.

The end of year feast was very different this year, the usual excited mood and the colourful house banners were replaced by sorrow and black drapes in respect for the Hufflepuff boy that was taken from them. Every student; friends, lovers, enemies and acquaintances all gathered together as a community to pay their respects.

"Today we acknowledge...a really terrible loss" Maximus took a deep breath to stop himself from letting his tears fall. He could do this, he would do it for Cedric. He would be brave and strong for Cedric.

"Cedric was a person who exemplified many of the qualities which distinguish Hufflepuff house, he was a good and loyal friend, a hard worker, he valued fair play. His death has affected you all, whether you knew him well or not." Rosalind closed her eyes tightly, the picture of how he died flashing in her mind from both her brothers and Harry's graphic description. It had been her father, the one to kill him. He had been there with Peter Petigrew when ordered to 'kill the spare' and he did it without hesitation. Maximus knew too, Rosalind was ready to let him scream, shout and hate her. She thought of it as her fault, her father killed him because he knew she was close to him. It wasn't an act for the dark Lord it was an act to hurt her and the bastard succeeded in doing so. Maximus however quite literally smacked her for blaming herself, she wasn't her parents and none of what happened was her fault, he would never blame her.

"I think that you have the right, therefore, to know exactly how it came about. Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort" quiet gasps rang out throughout the hall, Harry glancing over to Rosalind only to see her eyes shut and head down. She felt sick. Knowing the only reason she existed was to become a follower in his army made her hate that she was breathing even more, Barty was right. It should have been her, Maximus and every other student in that hall wouldn't be mourning over their favourite Hufflepuff student if she had put her name in that cup. It should have been her.

"The ministry does not wish me to tell you this, but not to do so I think would be an insult to his memory" Rosalind's emerald eyes flitted around the hall, catching the expressions on students faces. Sad, dull, emotionless, tearful, pained, angered. The faces of the small first year hufflepuff students that she had spoken to outside of their common room that one time is was broke her right then and there, their little faces splotchy and red, eyes gathered with tears. Cedric meant so much to so many people, he was an older brother, an inspiration. And now he was nothing but a memory.

"Cedric will never be forgotten, he will always remain in our hearts and will be remembered for his great bravery, kind heart and his loyalty" Dumbledore then raised his goblet, everyone following with sombre expressions.

"To Cedric"

"To Cedric"

Standing infront of the quidditch field, a memorial had been set up for the boy. A picture of his hung against a pole and candles, flowers and other gifts of respect were laid under it in the memory of him.

Maximus sighed sadly and placed a drawing of him and the boy on the floor under it, it was one of the many portraits Rosalind drew of them but he wanted it to be there to show that he loved him and would never forget him. Cedric would never be forgotten as his first love, one day he may move on but he would never forget the times he had with his deceased lover. There would always be a part of him that would be Cedrics.

"He was always a pretty boy" the boy laughed at Rosalind's comment and nodded. It was true, even from being a first year Cedric was a looker, Maximus thought he was the most handsome boy he had ever seen. He would of never told him that though, Cedrics ego would have flown through the roof.

"He was, he knew it too the cocky little shit" the best friends smiled at the memories of him, he would always be the completion of their trio, or the rainbow trio as they had called themselves. Maximus' idea for the obvious reasons.

People started to join them, all Hogwarts students as Beauxbaton and Durmstrang watched from afar. He was their classmate, they should have a moment alone to say goodbye.

The three small Hufflepuff girls came to stand next to Rosalind and Max, a red haired girl taking ahold of Rosalind's hand, her friend taking ahold of hers whilst the blonde of the group went and held Maximus', the two best friends looking down at the first years whilst they stared at the memorial. Cedric was very close to all of the first year Hufflepuffs, he had made it his duty to make sure they were all comfortable and settled. Just like Rosalind was an older sister figure to a lot of students, Cedric was an older brother, he was a protector.

"We are the champions my friend" it was a whisper from the blonde first year, a small tear falling down her chubby face looking at the picture of Cedric that stared back at her. Rosalind and Maximus snapped their heads towards her with a far away look in their eyes. Cedrics favourite muggle song.

"And we'll keep on fighting till the end" the girl holding Rosalind's hand continuing, her voice stronger and louder than her friends.

"We are the champions" the small trio sang together, the Slytherin-Hufflepuff duo looking at eachother with smiles. Cedric may be gone but his memory would always be there, there were things that would have people remembering him.

"We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the World"

Cedric was a champion but all champions fall some day, it's the ugly cycle of life that no one could prevent. Cedric was ripped away from them psychically but mentally he would never truly be gone.


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