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Rosalind had never wanted to throw herself off of the astronomy tower more in her life.

Sat in the hall with every fourth year student and up for these bloody dance lessons had her actually contemplating going for a sky dive. She had begged McGonagall if she could join the Griffindoor ones but Snape had quite literally dragged her with him to the hall and made her sit amongst the girls of Slytherin that were sat opposite the boys. Ofcourse with her entry it has certain people kicking up a stink but surprisingly Snape shut them up.

"Now most of you already know how to dance so let's keep this quick and simple. Me and you both would rather be anywhere else" his monotoned voice aggravated Rosalind to no end, it was worse than chalk being scraped against a chalk board. She didn't even know why he was teaching dance lessons, she doubted he had ever actually danced with a woman in his life.

"Now I'll pick partners" he had this evil little grin on his lips as he looked back at Rosalind. The girl with black lipstick sat there unimpressed listening to the girls squeal about which boy they hoped to be paired up with. She'd rather be with Fleur right now.

"Crabbe and Millicent" Goyle slapped his friend on the back in excitement, watching as he got up to dance with a girl. "Greengrass and Malfoy" Rosalind rolled her eyes as the disappointed huffs that came from the girls beside her. She didn't know what they saw in him, he was just a stuck up bully who used his dads power against everyone.

Snape then turned to look at her with a twisted grin.

"Knight and..." as soon as he said her name, the boys of Slytherin perked up and puffed their chest wanting to be picked, it seemed they didn't hate her as much as they said they did. Too bad she wasn't into the male gender all that much.

"Please pick me, she is so fit-" Draco hit Goyle harshly before he could finish his sentence. He may hate Rosalind but that was still his cousin he was talking about.

"Well seeing as your date won't be with a gentleman...you can go with Parkinson" Rosalind let out a dry laugh, thinking he we joking but the sickening grin on his face proved otherwise making both girls glance at eachother and start to complain. Rosalind was also quite pissed, she had never come out officially and despite people knowing she had relationships with girls, which still didn't make it okay for him to do it , Snape had just outed her to the majority of Slytherin. Oh how tempted she was to out him as the dark lords little errand boy.

"It's either that or detention..you pick" the head of Slytherin flipped his cape and walked away to go and pair up more people, leaving the two girls to make their decisions. Pansy staring at him in disbelief before slumping in her chair, not wanting to dance with the blood traitor. She wanted to dance with Draco.

𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑠 ✍︎︎𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑢𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑟Where stories live. Discover now