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"Excuse me superior people coming through!"

Rosalind rolled her eyes at Maximus' dramatic yelling whilst they pushed through the crowds of people trying to get onto the Hogwarts express. The girl let out a breath of air when they finally pushed past the hectic crowd and got onto the train, the girls breath uneven with how fast they had ran. She needed to work on her cardio.

"I need a cig" shaking his head at the girls statement, Maximus pretended he didn't hear her words and grabbed her hand pulling her down the corridors of the train, trying to find a compartment. Preferably away from any first years knowing Rosalind would probably start smoking and be didn't want them to get the wrong idea about Hogwarts. Smoking wasn't tolerated and max hated it however Rosalind was an exception. She needed a stress reliever.

They both looked in each compartment, eyes flitting around to try and find some empty seats.

"Bollocks, they're all full" Rosalind groaned, this was Maximus' fault, he always made them late. Every. Single. Year.

"Awhh no seats for the blood traitor and half blood" the green eyed girl rolled her eyes when she heard the annoying voice of her cousin Draco. Oh how she absolutely despised that child with a burning passion, he was a spoiled, pompous little prick who cried to daddy about anything and everything. Rosalind would love nothing more than to throttle the boy however she didn't feel like dealing with Lucius Malfoy, who would once again try and get her expelled from school.

"Heard you were finally banished, good riddance" his little minions that followed behind him laughed at his stupid comment, thinking it was the most hilarious thing in the world.

"Draco let your balls drop and voice deepen like a real man and then come talk to me" the older girl flipped him off with a sarcastic smile. The blonde boy gasping in offence at her bold statement. She had such a filthy mouth, even growing up with her she always used vile statements that she had learn from the muggle world. She was a disgrace.

"My father will hear about this!" He seethed, face going red in embarrassment.

"Oh go suck daddy's co-"

"Hey! not so evil slytherin and Maximus come sit with us" the small voice of Ronald Weasley called out from a compartment a few doors down. The red head holding a proud little smirk seeing Malfoy stomp off angrily, his pug face girlfriend and toad looking minions following after him like lost puppies.

Despite being a slytherin, Rosalind was very good friends with all of the Weasleys, especially Fred and George, along with Harry Potter and Hermione granger. She saw them as her little siblings and from the moment they came to Hogwarts, protected them like she was their older sister. They all loved her and looked up to her greatly. She event spent most holidays with the red haired family, Fred and George quite literally dragging her home with them.

"Thanks red-head" the Slytherin girl walked up to the compartment and ruffled Ron's hair as she walked in, the boy her hand away as she did so.

"Cant make fun of my red hair when you've added some to your own" the boy grumbled looking at how the underside of her normally jet black hair was a bright red but secretly he thought the red really suited her.

Hermione lept up from her seat and flung herself at the older girl. Hermione greatly idolised Rosalind, she fought for what she wanted and quite literally told the darkness to "go fuck itself", she was a role model, well minus her rebellious along with dangerous acts, cheeky comments and extravagant fashion sense.

"Hiya 'mione" Rosalind stroked her bushy hair. She was the one who Hermione had gone to for everything at Hogwarts, any time Hermione was sad or if someone hurt her Rosalind was always there, if she just needed some girl talk and advice Rosalind was the first one to give it to her.

"Allie" Harry also got up from his seat and pulled the girl into a hug, he couldn't explain it but from the moment he met her she just...felt like family. Like they were bonded in a way that wasn't explainable. He trusted her instantly and she became the person he used as a rock. She protected him, she was the one who helped them defeat the troll in first year, she was the one who used to sneak to the Dursley's house and give him sweets and cupcakes on his birthday. She was the one who held him when he cried, snuck him out with her Hogsmede, gave him the Marauders map, everything.

He had tried to return the favour on many occasions and protect her like she did him. Being unsuccessful each time because Rosalind knight never needed to be saved. He attempted to save her from Sirius black last year when he found out the man was after her too, well tried before he knew she was working with him, it seemed she spent her entirety of sixth year bonding with her convicted uncle who he later found out was his not so guilty godfather. It was then harry realised why he felt so connected to the slytherin, it's because they were family in a fashion.

"Harry, how are you? I heard whispers about the cup god if I had managed to go with you I would have kicked some death eater arse-" Rosalind received a smack on the head from Maximus, he was so the father of the group, not encouraging dangerous behaviour. Definitely the hufflepuff in him.

"No you wouldn't have because I would have been there to stop you"

"Yeh yeh whatever.. Forgot domestic violence was bad"


The group was talking amongst themselves, Ronald having a very deep conversation with Harry about his favourite Bulgarian quidditch player whilst Hermione shook her head at him. You would think he was in love with him with the way he spoke about him.

The slytherin-hufflepuff best friend duo were arguing over who would get the Dumbledore card from a chocolate frog when the compartment door opened, another hufflepuff by the name of Cedric diggory stood there with a shy smile, eyes upon Maximus mostly.

"Well hello there golden boy" Rosalind smirked, her confidence making Cedrics face heat up slightly, his sentence coming out in a slight stutter.

"Can I borrow max for a second please" a wide grin took over Rosalinds face when she caught sight of the blush forming on her friends cheeks.

"Take him. Don't want him back, keep him too" the girl pushed her best friend towards the boy, them both colliding which made Cedrics large hands grab ahold of Maximus' waist. Both boys were now bright red and flustered, the slytherin girl almost falling into a hysterical fit of laughter at the scene before her. They were so painfully obvious but it was so cute.

"Bye bye" Maximus glared playfully at the girl but sent her a cheeky wink as he followed Cedric out of the compartment.

The three fourth years watched the scene confused. Had they missed something?

"What was that about?"

"Oh don't worry about it, just two friends going for a chat "

Luckily the teens didn't catch onto the double meaning of her words.


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