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"Good to see you back on your feet, Mr Weasley"

Rosalind bent down to gently hug the older man, careful not to hurt him as he was still fragile from the attack.

It was now around five o'clock and Molly was finishing up the last touches of their Christmas dinner, the day had been filled with laughter and jolliness, everyone coming round to Grimmauld place for a fest Christmas feast.

Maximus had arrived just after noon, having spent the morning with his own family before going to spend the rest with his friends, he wouldn't miss Rosalind's surprise present, he just couldn't so with great effort he had managed to run off without his little sisters seeing and make his way to the Blacks house.

Charlie has also arrived not long after him with Bill and Danielle, all of them making a beeline for the kitchen thinking Molly would let them sneak some food early which received them a scolding and a whack of a tea towel.

"It's good to be back, hated being stuck in that place" the ginger man grumbled making those around him laugh, Molly came up behind him and pressed a kiss to his cheek, shooing Rosalind to go and sit down next to Fleur so she could dish out the food.

"Well this is lovely, all of us together on Christmas having a wonderful feast" Sirius spoke from the head of the table, holding his glass up in the air which made everyone copy his actions.

"And I'm here all thanks to Harry so..to Harry" mr Weasley raised his glass for the bespectacled boy, everyone chanting his name as the toast was sent out to him for saving Arthur's life.

"To Harry!" With the cheers of his name the boy blushed and sank back in his seat next to Reinmond, the curly haired man chuckling at how flushed he became from the attention. You'd think he'd be used to getting praises by now but he never would be, the whole 'chosen one' thing still hadn't settled in even after all of these years.

"I've never had an English Christmas dinner, you know" Fleur said, Rosalind snapping around to her in utter shock and bewilderment.

"I-...you-..you've never had a Christmas dinner!" Her jaw dropped making Fleur giggle with a shake of her head, Christmas dinners were traditional, she couldn't believe Fleur had never had one.

"So you've never had a Yorkshire pudding?" She asked.

"What's that?" Her jaw dropped once again as did Maximus' from across the table.

"You've never had a Yorkshire pudding? Did I just hear you right!?" The boy asked, Charlie and Bill laughing at his outburst.


"I'm not having that! You're having one right away!" As soon as Molly set the food down, Rosalind was quick to grab the plate Fleur held out to her and loaded it with all the yummy foods. She had mash, mixed vegetables, chicken, two Yorkshire puddings and drenched it all with Mollys homemade gravy.

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