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The rest of the summer flew by in a blur.

Harry's hearing was cleared and all convictions were dropped, Molly had finally started realising that she was pushing her children away instead of being the mother they needed and worked on being there for them with whatever decisions they made; even letting Fred and George tell her all about their latest experiments.

Sirius and Remus had got to have weeks worth of family time with Rosalind, Reinmond and Harry along with Fleur who barely left her girlfriends side. Rosalind's family absolutely adored the girl and treated her like their own, it even got to the point where Sirius got upset once she left to go back to her own home for a couple of hours. They had grown used to always having her there.

The twins had started on new experiments for products and had put together some very creative ones with the help of Rosalind to bring to school as testers for their joke shop, Fleur helped too which made the twins absolutely adore her since her mind was completely mischievously evil.

Maximus had got to bond a lot more with Charlie when he came back down from Romania, although sometimes he would distance himself from guilt, thinking Cedric may look down at him with utter disgust and disappointment. But what he didn't know was that Cedric was looking down at him with that signature loving smile, he wanted him to move on. He wanted him to be cherished and be loved by another now that he couldn't do that himself.

Ginny got to have a lot more girl time with the girlfriends and Hermione, both younger ones loving that they could go on shopping trips and get their makeup done by them. Even Ron secretly loved pulling Rosalind away to have some time with her, them both almost being sick as they tested out Bartys every flavour beans.

Bill and Danielle had finally made it official, them being so into each other everyone swore they were close to the marriage stage already. Maximus had set up a chart to see which couple would jump on marriage train first. Rosalind and Fleur or Bill and Charlie? His charts-disappointedly for him- showed Danielle and Bill talking about the subject more than his favourite couple.

All in all, summer had been a blast for everyone and no one had any complaints about how it was spent. Only problem was now, the younger ones would be going back to Hogwarts and wouldn't be seen again till Christmas time.

Walking along side Harry, Rosalind and Fleurs hands were intertwined as they made their way through the train station, Rosalind's arm around Harry's shoulder in comfort. The bespectacled boy had his own arm around her waist tightly watching Moody and Tonks walk ahead of them looking around for any threats. He didn't want to go back and leave Rosalind, he didn't know how he was going to make it through a school year with the only communication being through letters. Who was he going to go to when he needed someone to hold him as he cried? Who was going to protect him from his two left feet tripping him up? Who was going to be his comfort? She wasn't in school anymore, he wouldn't have her with him and it quite frankly scared him.

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