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The stands were full of cheers and the music of the orchestra band rang throughout the stadium, all students were clapping and releasing excited roars as the third task was about to take place.

Students of beauxbaton were dancing with happy grins, students of Hogwarts were waving banners for Cedric and Harry (even Krum), all were fuelled up with energy ready to see who would finally win the triwizard cup. Parents on the champions were even there, Mr Diggory for Cedric and the Weasleys for Harry, Mrs weasley had practically body slammed Rosalind once she had saw her.

Rosalind was currently stood in the middle of the Beauxbatons and Hogwarts students with Maximus one one side and Danielle on the other. She had said her 'you can do this' speech to Fleur before hand and gave her a rather long a good luck kiss before Danielle had pulled her away.

Maximus let out a loud cheer as the champions entered, Cedric first with his father who showed him off proudly, his boyfriend laughing at his embarrassed face. Rosalind and Danielle soon let out their own cheers as Fleur came out after him, the french champion smiling when her girlfriend sent a wink and blew a kiss to her.

"Don't flirt Rosalind you may put her mind on something else" the Slytherin laughed when Danielle nudged her with a smirk, their friendship had rather blossomed within the past few weeks, they both had a lot more in common than they thought and Danielle had announced that she was very interested in the thought of staying in England rather than going back to France, along with Fleur who had the same thoughts.

After Krum, Harry came out abit more timid that the rest, looking around the stands to find Rosalind who made Maximus cheer loudly with her for him, the boy immediately feeling less tense knowing she was there watching him.

"Silence!" Dumbledore ordered, his loud voice immediately making the crowd quieten down and the band stop playing, everyone taking their seats to listen.

"Earlier today, professor Moody placed the triwizard cup deep within the maze, only he knows it's exact position" at his words Rosalind's eyes found the professors, the man who stood in the corner sending her a wink as he was already looking at her, she had this uneasy feeling in her stomach every time she looked at him, he reminded her of someone but she just couldn't pin point who.

"Now, as Mr.Diggory and Mr. Potter" the stands erupted with cheers as the names were called, Rosalind being extra loud for Harry which made Hermione and Ron, who were sat abit away from her, look at her with laughs. She sure knew how to put the spotlight on someone. Harry beamed when people cheered for him, finally happy he wasn't hated by most of the student boy any more.

"..tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr.Krum" once again the stands erupted with roars from the Bulgarian students and most Slytherins, Draco malfoy being sure to smile sarcastically at his cousin when waving a flag. He had been doing that lately, trying to get her reaction on things but he never succeeded, she just sent him a bright smile and a thumbs up when also clapping for the Durmstrang champion.

"And Miss Delacour" once again Rosalind made sure to be extra loud for her girlfriend, along with Danielle who helped her hold up a pastel blue banner with her name on it. Maximus shook his head with a snort, not picking favourites his arse.

"Go on Frenchy!" Gabrielle, who was stood next to her sister along with Madame Maxime, giggled when the older girl blushed with the attention from her girlfriend. She had never seen Fleur get so shy around anyone but the Slytherin girl.

"The first person to touch the cup will be the winner" everyone clapped and cheered together, bouncing in their seats wanting the task to begin already. They had been waiting all year for this moment.

"I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should at any point a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands" Dumbledore announced before telling the contestants to gather around, giving them a quiet speech and then instructing them to go to their respective entry's.

Cedric sent a smile to his boyfriend, Maximus sending a wink back, he had told him if he won then he would get a treat later on that night before pulling him into a long kiss which had been cut short as Ron Weasley had walked in and quite literally screamed.

"On the count of three"

"One...boom" filch let off the canon, Rosalind hysterically laughing at the look Dumbledore had sent him.

"He's actually jokes him" Maximus shook his head at his best friend, only she would find a canon being let off early absolutely hilarious.

The band started playing again and the champions slowly entered the maze, sending one last look to the crowd behind them before walking further and further, the hedges closing up behind them leaving them with no escape.

Now all they had to do was wait.

"Well this is fun, watching some bushes" it had been Madame Maxime that had let out a laugh at Rosalind's statement, the beauxbaton head mistress coming to stand with the rest of her students with Gabrielle following next to her. The youngest french girl running into Rosalind's arms and jumping up as she hoisted her onto her hip, an easy task with how tall Rosalind was compared to her four foot seven frame.

"You need to stop babying her shes liking the attention too much" Danielle laughed at Gabrielle stuck her tongue out at her and held onto Rosalind's neck tighter grinning to herself, she had the raven haired girl wrapped around her little finger and soaked up all of her attention, loving how Rosalind would carry her when she wanted despite her being eight.

"But I cant look at how cute she is" Rosalind gestured to the little girl who was giving them all an innocent smile. Maximus chuckled at the sight before him, Rosalind was great with children and he knew she would be the most amazing mother one day, if only she wasn't scared of the thought of becoming her own parents.

"No but seriously is all we look at for hours a bush?"


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