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"Oh god, I really didn't need to see that"

Rosalind groaned as she walked into the kitchen, hands flying over here eyes when she caught sight of her uncle on the counter with Remus between his legs making out passionately.

Hearing the girl enter, Sirius scrambled up and pushed Remus away dramatically with a gasp.

"Oh my-Moony! How dare you try and get frisky with me with my niece in the house! You should be ashamed of yourself" Remus stared at him dumbfounded, watching as he walked up to Rosalind and took her head in his hands, holding it to his chest as he petted her hair exaggeratedly.

"Should be you who spends fourteen years in Azkaban, look at how traumatised my baby is" he shook his head at his lover, jokingly cooing to Rosalind that 'it was okay'. The girl In his hold rolled her eyes at the overreacted act of comfort.

"It was you who started it" Remus said with a cross of him arms, hiding his smirk at Rosalind's squished up face against Sirius' chest.

"It was not! Throwing accusations now are we Moony! So rude" Remus chuckled at his boyfriend's dramatics and rolled him eyes.

"What did you need Rose?" The werewolf asked, noticing that she came in quite anxiously before she caught the sight that burned her vision traumatically. Rosalind wrapped her arms around Sirius' waist and sighed, she needed to tell them the decision that she had been made.

"Reinmond come down please!" She called up to her brother, needing to tell him aswell. Not even a second later, the sound of the boy running down the stairs was heard and he was in the kitchen faster than lighting, concern on his face.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine brother, just have to tell you all what me and Max planned a couple of days ago" the men straighten and looked at her intently, Sirius' grip tightening not knowing what she was going to say. Rosalind came home from Maximus' house two days ago and was very clingy with all three of them, as if she was trying to make the most of her time with them and to be honest of worried the three men slightly.

"It's okay, just tell us" Reinmond took his sister from Sirius' arms and brought her into his own, not without Sirius giving him a playful sneer as he took her away, wrapping his arm around her shoulder in a brotherly manner.

"Me and Maximus decided that next summer...we are going to Romania and if Charlie takes me on I'm going to train and study dragons" the three men's mouths dropped but they weren't all that shocked, she had told them that she had wanted to work with magical creators and supported her fully with the way she wanted to live her life.

"That's amazing darling" Remus smiled fondly at her, remembering how he saw her treat the magical creatures in his time at Hogwarts. She was special and all animals seemed to just love her, hippogriffs respected her very quickly which was the most shocking.

"My niece is going to slay dragons!" Laughs escaped their lips as Sirius' ran around the room with exaggerated movements and sounds like mimic a fantasy dragon tamer, pretending he was battling a ferocious beast with a sword.

Sirius, though deeply saddened by the fact he knew she would leave him whenever she decided to start out her new life, had never been happier for her. She was going to do what she loved with her best friend by her side, he was so proud of her as was Remus. Reinmond didn't really know how to feel, he would support her of course he would but he wasn't ready to let his little sister go yet, he'd only just got her back and then she would be all the way across the world.

"They dont fight dragons Padfoot" Sirius rolled his eyes at Remus' comment.

"I bet you're fun at parties Moony"

"I am actually-"

"Shut it. So tell me all about this plan of yours! You'll still write and visit right? 'Cause if you don't I'm coming too"

The Knight siblings sat in Reinmonds room, the large black couch being occupied by them with Rosalind's head in Reinmonds lap, the boy twiddling the short strands soothingly.

"If you go, will you be in Romania all the time?" he asked, watching as her eyes flitted from each word in her fantastic beasts and where to find them book. He didn't want the barely see her ever again once she left, he didn't think he could bear being without her on his own after being without her for years.

"No, of course I'll come to visit all the time and we have many ways to keep in touch like the mirror and owls" Rosalind said back, she could feel his hidden distress that she would abandon him if she got the job.

"And Charles Weasley is the person you're going to ask about having a training course in Romania?" Reinmond knew Charlie Weasley very briefly from when he went to Hogwarts himself although Charlie wasn't that social with that many people and would rather stay with his close circle of friends and house, so they never spoke or interacted. Charlie wasnt one to miss however for people like Maximus and Reinmond, they stay within their own worlds. Maximus hadn't even seen the boy despite being in school with him at the same time because he never really paid attention to those who weren't Rosalind or Cedric.

"Mhm, I'm quite close with him. He's always said that he'd want me on his team in the sanctuary, even got a spot saved for me"seeing the smile on his face, one of his own bloomed on his. She had so many older brother figures and even though it hurt him slightly he was glad people had filled that role and were good to her.

"And your friend would be going too?"

"Maximus doesn't want to leave me so yeah, he'd be coming with and if we get to that stage Fleur has already said she'd follow me anywhere" the beaming smile on her face made it hard to stop his own from rising to the surface, her smile was contagious. She was such a loving person and it wasnt hard to see how in love she was with the girl who had captured her heart. Reinmond used to be jealous of people who could feel attractions and want relationships, he had tried possibly everything for himself to feel but he just couldn't, he hated himself for such a long time until the fourteen year old Rosalind told him how normal he was, even from being young she still looked after those around her and made them feel secure. She never judged.

Hearing that she was going off to possibly live this gorgeous life in a different country with a women she loved has Reinmond envy the fact that she would never be alone and could grow old with a lover, maybe have some children if she wanted and live a happy life. He couldn't because if he did it wouldn't be real, he'd be leading someone on with no emotion of love of sexual attraction for them. He had to stay true to himself.

"You could come too, y'know" she could see the hurricane of emotions in his eyes, having studied what his facial expressions meant since she was little she knew exactly what he was feeling. He was scared of being left behind. He and Maximus were similar in that way.


"Of course, you think I'm gonna leave my brother behind? Never"


𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑠 ✍︎︎𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑢𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑟Where stories live. Discover now