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"Boy who lived make yourself useful and buy me a pumpkin pasty"

Harry rolled his eyes at the older girl he thought of as a sister but took the money from her hands and went to get her the food from the trolley, the slytherin girl shouting a 'love you' as he went.

She was absolutely starving, since her and Maximus had both slept in they didn't have time to catch any breakfast before rushing to get to the train station.

The spectacled boy came back with a far away look in his eye and a little smile upon his face as he handed the girl her pasty, sitting down with a dreamy smile.

"Uh oh what's that look for?" She quirked a brow at the boy, this gaining both of his friends attention as he shook his. He would have the girl talk with her later, but not now infront of his two best friends. It was strange how comfortable he felt talking to the slytherin about things like that, perhaps it was because he knew she was great with women whereas Ron...well Ron was not.

"It's horrible" Hermione shut her news paper and flung it onto the seat next to her. Rosalind picking it up and reading it for herself. It was about the attack on the quidditch cup, muggles tormented and the dark mark within the sky. She knew her brother had something to do with this, he was one of the people who started ambushes like this following their parents commands. It was a way of gaining the dark lord attention from the public, a warning that he wasn't truly gone. Despite doing all of this, she knew her brother did this to keep her away from it all, aslong as he did the dirty work like a good little errand boy the death eaters wouldn't try and come for his baby sister. Her brother was the only one who ever cared about her, he knew everything and still loved her despite it.

Befriending muggles and muggle borns? Someone had to do it.

Liking girls? Let me give you tips on how to flirt with them.

Smoking? Who needs lungs anyways.

You don't want to join the dark side? I won't let you anyways.

He didn't care what she did or who she had crushes on as long as she was happy and whilst he was there she was happy, he protected her until... he left. His young sister never hearing from his again besides a note that he lay under her pillow reading;

"Even in the darkest corners of my mind lays a light. That Light is you and you can outshine all.

A plan, a good one being set into place but the act of a great betrayal awaits.

My darling sister who holds the soul opposite to his, wait for me but do not follow his trap into what he wants. You. Protect the innocent souls and guard the one you carry for no matter how much you try to escape darkness is within you. Conceal it, don't let it show."

Rosalind didn't understand what he meant by that, her cooky brother always spoke in some sort of riddle or code. He said it made his games more fun.

She loved her brother dearly but seeing this now on the front paper. That symbol rested upon the sky with muggles withering in pain beneath it.

It made her feel sick.

That mark was something she had seen every day of her life just from being a baby. It was embedded into her family's arms, overtime it became faint but the outline was still there. Her father, being the artist he is, used to paint a copy of one onto her small arm. Telling her that she would have a real one some day, telling her that she would be something great and meaningful to her 'master'.

Obviously refusing, he left something in place of it.

Looking back at the memory now Rosalind would chuckle. Would she fuck have that ugly thing on her skin she'd take the thing he left over that dirty skull any day.

"It's disgusting, I have a mind to go back home and demand what the fuck they think their playing at" the trio quickly shook their heads when the words came out of her mouth. Knowing Rosalind she would actually do just that and who knows what her sick and twisted parents would do to her. News travels fast around the wizarding world and it's wasn't unknown that the heiress of the knight family had been disowned.

Molly Weasley was furious about it when she heard, practically threatening her children to bring Rosalind home with them at any holiday, to which they agreed. Rosalind was their family, blood or not she was their sister.

"The ministry had the place fully protected which is why it's even more terrifying, they are doing this right under their noses" said Ron with a shake of his head, munching away on his sweets anxiously.

The ministry underestimated the death eaters, everyone did but Rosalind knew better. She knew one way or another Voldemort was coming back and when he did the world was going to go to shít. She had to prepare to protect the ones she loved. As of now she wasnt a knight from the noble house of knights; it was just a last name to her, a name that no longer held meaning. She wasn't a Knight anymore she was just Rosalind, a girl who vowed to put others lives before her own.

No matter the cost

"Anyways... N.E.W.Ts this year. How are you feeling about those?" Hermione changed the conversation, the slytherin girl groaning and falling dramatically into Harry.

"I forgot"

"You forgot! You forgot about the most important exams!" Hermione looked at her gobsmacked, N.E.W.Ts were the most important exams that help you peruse your future career and Rosalind forgot about them.

"Chill 'mione. I have till may to revise and prepare for them it fine plus I got outstandings and exceeded all of my O.W.Ls lasts year. I'll be fine" sometimes it seemed as though Hermione was her mother despite her age, she really was the brightest and most intelligent witch in her year. She would go far in life.

"Yeah Rose is like really smart, she'll be fine" Ron backed his favourite Slytherin up, Hermione just shaking her head at the three infront of her. She knew Rosalind would definitely not revise, she never did.

"Plus aren't you like filthy rich? I'm sure with the amount of money you have you don't even need a job"

Ron was right in thinking that, despite her family hating her they were somewhat decent in never letting their children run out of money. The money in her bank could probably last life times.


"What?! It's true. Hey do you mind lending me some to buy-"


"Blimey Hermione!"


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