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Rosalind smirked as she took a drag of her cigarette, her free hand gripped in Fleurs tightly as the blonde bit her lip nervously. Today was the day she would meet Sirius, Reinmond and Remus.

"Of course not!" She said a little bit too quickly, Rosalind's grin widening at her nerve wrecked state. Fleur pretended to not be bothered but she easily knew that her lover was anxious, that being why she practically threatened the three men Fleur was going to meet to be on their best behaviours.

"Mhm, you sure you aren't?" Fleur gently smacked her and huffed, fiddling with the rings on Rosalind's fingers whilst she kicked some stones on the pavements.

"Okay! Maybe I am a little, this is your family i don't want them to hate me like everyone else did" Rosalind stopped in her tracks and pulled the girl towards her, her cigarette falling from her grasp and onto the floor as she held Fleurs face in her hands.

"They'll love you, all three of them have been dying to meet you so don't worry okay?" Leaning into her palm, Fleur nodded with a sigh. She wasn't one to let nerves get to her but this was a one chance moment, if she blew it then everything would go downhill from there.

"I just know I can seem a little-" Rosalind cut Fleur off and looked her in the eye sternly.

"Dont even finish that sentence, you don't seem obnoxious or bitchy at all. Only jealous girls thought that. You're an amazing person and they'll love you" the blonde felt a smile tug at her cheeks, Rosalind always knew how to make her feel better. Pressing a peck to her lips, she let her head fall onto her shoulder as she took a deep breath.

"Okay" she nodded bringing her head up, letting Rosalind take her hand again to direct her to 12 Grimmauld Place.

"You can also speak french to Sirius and Reinmond. Do it especially infront of Remus, it pisses him off"

Coming infront of the town houses Rosalind made sure no muggles were around or in sight, Fleur looked at her girlfriend confused as she handed her a piece of paper, instructing her to think about the address in her mind. Just as she did, the building pulled apart, a new house that wasn't there before falling into place next to the other two beside it.

"Ready?" Rosalind asked, gentely tugging her to the front door. Fleur nodded stiffly, shaking her head and straightening her posture as if to seem more confident, she didn't like to be shy around those she didn't know, it was just an instinct.

Rosalind opened the front door, the wooden entrance creaking as the pair walked in slowly. The house still wasn't spick and spam but thanks to her and Molly yesterday, it was cleaner than it was before. Loud chatter was heard in the living room, the three men having waited in their all day for Rosalind's girlfriend to arrive.

𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑠 ✍︎︎𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑢𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑟Where stories live. Discover now