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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


Coming out of the hall with a bright smile, Rosalind skipped towards Harry who had been waiting outside for her. She had just taken her care of magical creatures assessment and she honestly thought she had smashed it. With her passion for animals it would be no shocker if she got an outstanding.

"How was it?" Harry asked, watching as her face lit up as she looped their arms and started walking away from the hall.

"I think I did pretty well, thanks to you and helping me revise with those flashcards. I'm guessing Hermione taught you that method" Harry nodded with a smile, Rosalind always had a hard time studying because she could never keep focus so he had asked Hermione the best way to do it and then passed on the techniques.

"Mhm, shes very smart" Rosalind had to agree, Hermione was definitely one of the smartest witches of her age group. Her knowledge was fantastic and her passion for things would get her very far in life, Rosalind just knew it.

The pair walked through the corridor with linked arms, just chatting away whilst making their way to the hill Infront of Hagrid's hutch, sitting down on the grassy slope with a sigh. They looked out at the view, Rosalind resting on her hands as she leant back.

"How are you feeling about the final task" the Slytherin pulled out a chocolate bar from her bag and offered him some, the boy took it with a grin and popped it in his mouth the taste of rich salted caramel milk chocolate melting on his tongue. It was Rosalind's favourite, she was obsessed with everything caramel.

"Same as the others, nervous, scared" Harry answered, taking another piece of chocolate from the girl with a sigh. Both of the last two tasks seemed to have been more eventful for him that the other champions, he didn't know why it was always him that trouble followed.

"You'll be fine, I mean you've survived the other tasks" he nodded at her statement, hopefully it wouldn't get any worse than angry mother dragons and feisty merpeople.

"You'll be there to cheer me on right?" Harry moved back so his head was lay on her shoulder, just staring out into the open.

"I'll be there to cheer all of you on" Rosalind smiled, ruffling his hair which made him groan and waft her hands away. The Slytherin girl had a habit of ruffling all the boy's hair this year, they all looked like they hadn't had haircuts and their locks were so long. It suited them though.

"Sometimes...I wish everything would just be normal" Harry said out of nowhere, his head still resting upon her shoulder as she looked down at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I just want to be a normal boy, not have the whole world know me because of Voldemort. I want parents and a home" Rosalind felt her heart hurt for the boy, wrapping her arms around his shoulder so he could cuddle into her protective hold. He didn't deserve all this.

"I want people to not die for me, or risk their lives for me" the boy rarely let out his emotions, he felt like he had to be strong and always on guard but something about Rosalind just made him feel safe.

"Harry people risk their lives for you because they love you, I sure know I would die happily if it meant saving your life" her words just made him let out a sniffle and hug onto her tighter. She was telling the truth and it was more of a promise, if there was any situation where she could save another in place of her own life she would. She was selfless, a little too selfless.

"I wouldn't let you die for me"

"I wouldn't let you try and stop me"

"Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight" Rosalind sang, standing on top of Maximus' bed pointing at him as he pointed back and danced dramatically.

"Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away" he continued the lyrics, holding his hairbrush to his lips as though it was a microphone as he sang along to the muggle record player his mum had bought him for a Christmas.

"Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight" Rosalind jumped of the bed and started strutting round the room trying to suppress her laughter as Maximus threw on some sunglasses and pretended to act mysterious.

"Take me through the darkness to the break of the day" the two best friends had quite literally kicked the Hufflepuff boys out of their dorm so they could have their annual exams are nearly over song marathon slumber party in the Hufflepuff dorm room. A tradition.

"What are you two doing?" The pair weren't even fazed as Cedric entered with raised brows, only pulling him in so that he could dance with them.

"Come on my lover, you cant even lie and tell me you don't know who ABBA is" from having a friendship with those two, he definitely knew who the band was and the lyrics for their songs were engraved into his mind along with the band 'queen'. Those two were obsessed with muggle music.

"Sing it Ced!" Rosalind pointed at him, waiting for him to sing the upcoming lines. The boy rolled his eyes but decided to give into them and join their little karaoke night seeing how happy they were.

"No one to hear my prayer" they both cheered as Cedric belted out the lyrics, laughing whilst he spun them both around.

The trio stayed up till midnight dancing and singing to songs, the whole of Hufflepuff being ever so thankful that the dorm room had a silencing charm on it or none of them would have been able to sleep as the teenagers belted out tunes.

The three lay on Maximus bead peacefully, staring up at the ceiling just talking about life and feelings whilst the moonlight shon in, lighting up the darkened room.

"I can't believe in a few months we won't be here anymore, we'll be going into the real world" Maximus spoke from in the middle of his best friend and boyfriend, his arms wrapped around them both.

"I know, I think we'll be okay though" Cedric spoke back but Rosalind stayed quiet. The future wasn't going to be a bright one, it wouldn't be peaceful or fun it would be one full of fear and if what had started was to be continued; death. If Voldemort managed to come back to the land of the living then they were all doomed and everyone would be in danger.

"I hope so"


𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑠 ✍︎︎𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑢𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑟Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ