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"You both look so..."

"Stuck up? Proper? Evil perhaps?"  Rosalind's jaw clenched as she looked at the picture infront of her, a portrait of her family staring back at her. They Knights were all dressed in the finest robes with emotionless expressions on their faces, Rosalind and Reinmond stood on either side of their parents as the head of the houses sat down looking like royalty. In a way they were.

The couple was going over their pasts together, learning more about the other that they didn't know before. Rosalind had routed through an old box of family belongings and dug out some photographs, explaining to Fleur what happened in each of them. The past couple of photos hadn't been that hard to explain...but that particular one. That photo brought a wave of hurt to the youngest Knights chest.

"Sad. You both look sad" Fleur said softly, hands tracing over Rosalind's face in the image softly. She looked so young yet her eyes held that of wiseness, having seen things thirteen year olds such as herself in that photo shouldn't have seen. Reinmonds face held nothing but a dark look, his had over his sisters that rested upon his mother's shoulder.

"We were"


"Mother, do we have to take a photo. This dress hurts" Rosalind tugged at the uncomfortable layers of clothing she had been forced to wear, the corset that was laced tightly making it hard to breathe.

"Yes, Rosalind. Now chin up and act like a lady. Do not dare be an embarrassment tonight" her father scolded, turning round to give her a deep glare that threatened a punishment if she didn't behave. She thought about her options, her cheek still stinging from the slap he had struck her with earlier before for her attitude, she decided that she didn't want a matching mark on the other side and did as told.

"Pose with your brother Rosalind, won't you be a good sister?" for once her mother's tone was gentle, grabbing her hand in her own as she turned back around to face the camera. Reinmond eyed his mother suspiciously, seeing the small hidden smile she gave her daughter that was very unlike her. He felt his heart lurch seeing the hopeful look in Rosalind's eyes, hoping that her mother was finally treating her like her daughter rather than a burden.

"Ready?" The camera man gulped, hands shaking as he went to take the picture.

"Well go on boy! We don't have all day" the quivering man jumped at his terrifying tone and quickly snapped the picture. The blinding light flashing brightly in their eyes but no one blinked, their faces still and intimidating.

"A-all done, Mr Knight" he stuttered out scared of what may happen to him, Rosalind felt bad for the man. He looked utterly terrified and she knew exactly why, her father wouldn't hesitate to torture him if he made one wrong move.

𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑠 ✍︎︎𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑢𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑟Where stories live. Discover now