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"This one is perfect!"

Fred and George looked around the empty store in awe, their minds going wild with imaginations of what they could do with the place. Rosalind had taken them to Diagon Alley with Fleur to find a store to place their joke shop in. Four stores later and they had finally found the perfect one.

Rosalind turned to the building owner and placed a pouch with many galleons in, into his hand. The man smiling brightly as she did. He was a kind fellow, short and stubby but had a heart of gold, Rosalind had been talking with him for weeks about the building he had up for sale; she had a hunch that the twins were going to be rather fond of that one more than the others and her theories proved to be correct.

"We'll take this one, can we get the paperwork and documents please" the man bowed and nodded enthusiastically, running off to receive the paper work that was needed to be signed to hand the store over to the twins.

"Well boys, what do you think?" Fleur asked, leaving Rosalind's arms as she went to stand next to them, eyes darting all around the blank building that had two levels and was very large for a shop. However with what those two had planned, it would soon be very cramped and full to the brim with products and other magical items that they were starting to invent.

Fleur found them very admirable, from being so young they had planned all of this together. They've stuck by eachothers side their whole lives and fought against their own families disbelief in them to prove that they could one day be the successful pranksters they had always wanted to be and now they had proved those who doubted them wrong. Once this place was up and running, they'd be some of the most successful wizards in Diagon Alley.

"It's incredible! We could put stands upon stands of products in here!" Said George excitedly, arm over Fred's shoulder as he bounced on the balls of his feet with joy. Fred was still in awe at the sight infront of him, his and his twins dreams were actually coming true, they weren't going to be dreams anymore-they were going to be a reality.

"Say, If you want you and Rosie can have you're wedding here" Fred nudged the girl playfully with a wink, the blonde witch smiling widely as she stared down at her engagement ring that she had received the night before.

"I think Fleur would rather something more...not a joke shop" the twins laughed as Rosalind came back over to them, wrapping her arm around her fiancé, pressing a kiss to her head.

The sales man came back and beckoned the twins over to him, the legal documents in his hands that they had to sign.

"Go on, everything is going to be in your names" the boys' eyes lit up excitedly as they both kissed her cheek before bolting towards the small man, both whispering a 'we love you Rosalind' as they went past. The older man slightly jumped at their fast speed towards him. The two red heads towered over him greatly, their lanky figures making him look even smaller than he actually was.

"Yes...I think I would like a more grand and romantic wedding. It will definitely be silver and blue themed" said Fleur as she leant into Rosalind's hold, she had always dreamed of having a big white wedding like a beautiful princess. She wanted to have her wedding in Paris, hers and Rosalind's family and friends being there to celebrate with them as they danced into the night with their dresses that she would be certain were both black and white; she wanted them to both walk down the isle by the men who loved them most, her papa walking her whilst Reinmond walked Rosalind with Sirius and Remus behind them, giving her away. She wanted it to be the most magical night of their lives and then they could ride off onto their honey moon and have the time of their lives.

They'd been engaged less than twelve hours and she had gotten everything planned in her mind, she even sneaked off with Ginny and Hermione to start crafting a wedding plan scrap book.

The sales man hid a smile at the adorable newly engaged couple, they looked so in love, so at ease with eachother; he thought back to when he and his wife first got engaged, it had been one of the happiest moments of his life and he knew it would be theirs too.

"Whatever you want, you shall have darlin'"

"Which one of you is Fred?" The small man asked the twins, head tilting as he glanced at the both of them. Rosalind and Fleur smirked knowing what was coming next.

"That would be me" George answered, taking the pen off of him and perfectly copying Fred's signature onto the piece of paper making the fiancé's shake their heads, it wouldn't be a normal day if Fred and George acted unlike themselves.

"And George?" He handed another pen to Fred, the eldest twin taking it with a smirk as he writ down George's signature perfectly.

"Well then! I congratulate you on your new shop!" The man shook their hands with a grin, his crooked teeth wide on display with a twinkle in his eye. He quickly left the group alone and scurried off, leaving the keys to the new owners who chucked them up in their air and caught them again with a cheer. Rosalind watching as they began to run around and ramble excitedly about what they were going to do with the place, what colours it was going to be, the new design that was going to be out front. They were going to make sure it was the most exotic and brightest shop in Diagon alley, they were going to make sure it grasped people's attentions and made them want to enter and stay a while. They were going to give the wizarding world the best jokeshop they would ever get.

"So, what are you gonna call this place boys?" Asked Rosalind, smiling widely at the happiness on their faces. Just their smiles showed how much happier they were going to be, they wouldn't be cooped up in an office in the ministry; they would be living their lives out together making money whilst doing what they loved. Being jokesters and making people laugh.

"Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes" they stated proudly, hands on their hips whilst the puffed their chests.

"Well then, let's get started with cleaning this place up first hm?"


𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑠 ✍︎︎𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑢𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑟Where stories live. Discover now