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Rosalind kissed Fleurs cheek as they entered the great hall, going to walk to the Griffindoor table however was pulled back by the girl who gave her a pout. Everyone around them still couldn't believe that the two girls were "dating", the female couple were very public and were always touching in some way, surprisingly it was Fleur who was the most clingy and touch deprived, always hugging, kissing or holding Rosalind's hand at any given moment. It was so cute that it knocked people sick.

"Come sit with me" Rosalind laughed as she pulled on her arm, trying to get her to sit at the Ravenclaw table with her and the rest of beauxbaton however the Slytherin shook her head.

"I promised Harry I would sit with them today" Fleur huffed but nodded, knowing she couldn't steal her away from her friends all the time. Rosalind kissed the corner of her mouth with a wolfish grin knowing that Fleur would want more but that's exactly why she did it. She knew the girl wouldn't be able to last long without a proper kiss goodbye but she liked teasing her. It was fun.

Once she removed herself, Fleur went and sulked at the ravenclaw table, Danielle laughing at Rosalind's sly trick before turning back to glare at the Ravenclaw boys that were asking her to ask Fleur out for them. Fleur was taken and as Fleurs friend she happily told them that however they hadn't believed her until they saw the interaction between the two girls entering the hall.

On the Griffindoor table, Ronald weasley watched with his mouth dropped to the floor, his spoon being dropped into his porrige with a loud clash.

"I know I've been an idiot and haven't been in the loop for the past week or something but when in the bloody hell did that happen" he whispered to Harry, awestruck, pointing at the two girls who very much nearly kissed infront of his eyes. He had to do a double take to make sure it wasn't his imagination going absolutely wild.

"You didn't know Rosalind and Fleur were seeing eachother?" Hermione said, most people knew it was the talk of the school for days. Not only was the Fleur delacour in a relationship with a Hogwarts student but a girl at that! Same gender couplings were practically unheard of and even shunned but the girls didn't seem to care, always doing as they pleased and not letting snarky comment get to them. Of course Draco malfoy had a lot to say about it, threatening to tell her parents about her recent love affair which surprisingly had 'Moody' screaming at the boy again for threatening her, anyone else who dared bring up her parents around her or threatened her got an earful from him..but he also did it himself...he was so confusing.

"I mean..I saw them together but I didn't know- Hi Rosalind!" Ron suddenly squeaked, Rosalind furrowing her boys at his very high pitched voice, it was obvious he had been talking about her.

"Fascinated about my love life redhead?" She smirked and took a seat next to Harry, the boy wrapping her in a one armed hug because of the sling that was wrapped around his shoulder.

"No! I mean yes! Just uh shocked" he was flustered, two of the girls he found most beautiful together.. he didn't really know what to say. Rosalind snorted and leaned over the table to get some toast, catching Fleurs eyes that were solely trained on her, ignoring the rather annoying boys around her, the Slytherin winked but then turned her attention to a small first year who came to the table with a rather large box.

"Parcel for you Mr. Weasley" Rosalind raised a bow at the boys formality, no one had ever called Ron 'Mr Weasley' before.

"Ah Thankyou Nigel" he took the large parcel off of the small boy and placed it on the table infront of him. The boy named Nigel staring at Harry and Rosalind. Hermione gave the kid a weird glance that Ron soon noticed and turned to whisper to the boy, pushing him away.

"Oh not now Nigel, later" the boy nodded and hesitantly walked away, the trio sat Infront of Ron all sending him the same confused look.

"I told him I'd get him Harry's autograph" he said with a sigh. Hermione then gesturing to Rosalind who also got a dreamy stare from the first year.

"And um, told him I'd sneak him into the ball and get him a dance with Rose" hermione grabbed her news paper and smacked him on the head with it, at the exact same time Rosalind had leaned over Harry and wacked the boy up the head herself. Why was he always using her when bribing something off of someone.

"Oh look mums sent me something" they all waited as the boy opened the package but watched with grins as his face drop when he pulled out very traditional and old fashioned dress robes. Rosalind snorted when he pulled them out and held them against his body. Oh they were quite cute.

"Mum got me a dress!" The ginger haired boy exclaimed.

"Well it does match your eyes, is there a bonnet" Harry reached in the package and pulled out a frilly bonnet making Ron scowl at him, seeing everyone around him laugh.

"Ginny, these must be for you" Ron walked to where Ginny sat on the table, Hermione and Rosalind having to contain their laughter at the look his sister gave him.

"I'm not wearing that it's ghastly" Hermione couldn't help it and burst out laughing, Ron looking at her confused.

"What are you on about"

"They aren't for Ginny, they're for you" the loud snorts of George and Fred were heard from further down the table, them both thanking whatever god was up there that their mother didn't send them robes like that.

"Their dress robes" Rosalind told him, the boy looking down at her with a wide eyes.

"Dress robes? For what?!" He looked between them all confused.

"See I wasn't the only one who forgot"


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