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Another two months had passed, Days had been filled with hard studying and lots of homework, exam stress piling on as the first set of exams started to take place on the first of may.

Rosalind had been overworked to the max and had been practically drowning in school work but luckily she managed to get it all done just in time for her N.E.W.Ts, the first exam had been potions which Maximus especially bad been dreading, that was his worse subject and he couldn't concentrate in that class at all. Rosalind had found it alright surprisingly, the motivation of if she succeeded she would never have to retake and suffer snapes presence ever again really did work.

Fleur and Rosalind had grew even closer if that was possible and the girl had even started to hang around with Rosalind's friends more, becoming closer with them. Hermione and Ginny no longer made comments and started to realise how much the french girl actually liked their friend and started to find her company quite nice. She was very funny and had a cracking sense of humour. Fleur had also become closer with Harry, having thanked him a million times over for saving her girlfriend to which he always just said it was okay because it was his sister, Fleur had been confused at the sister part but Rosalind had explained that she saw Harry as her little brother to which she nodded with an 'ah'.
She always accompanied the Slytherin and her little Ravenclaw friend Luna on walks to find magical creatures, the young third year reminded her of her little sister so she took to her straight away.

Fleur had proven to everyone how serious she was about Rosalind and even faced being told off for smacking those four boys who had homophobically attacked her girlfriend. She hadn't of cared that she had been punished with a time out day, it was worth it just so she would make sure they would never go near her girlfriend again. Her sadistic little plan of getting Danielle to crush Rodger was going smoothly, the dark haired Beauxbaton student had never agreed to do something so fast in her life, she despised the boy and didn't even know why she had accepted his offer to go on a date with him. She much preferred edgy men with long hair and piercings.

When Sirius had heard about what happened, he sent a very threatening letter to Dumbledore saying he would become a very guilty convict if those boys weren't punished however Dumbledoor could only punish the one boy that had started the nasty comments towards Rosalind as the others had thrown him under the bus. Aleczander Devenhour had been permanently expelled from Hogwarts. Because of that, it had been the only time her parents had contacted her in the past year of not hearing from them. The Devenhour family had been pissed for their sons expulsion and contacted the Knights however the reaction she received wasn't what she had been expecting.

She received a note from her father that had read "a fighter and a good one at that it seems. You're just a little bit too much like me" she had never felt more sick reading something in her life. She was nothing like them. She had burned that letter.

She and the twins had both received a howler from the one and only Molly Weasley, telling them off viciously for getting into fights. Fred, George and Rosalind obviously paid it no mind tho, they were used to Mollys shouting as they always got up for mischief.

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