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Releasing a sigh, she gave her owl her letters and watched as he flew away with them going to give them to their respected receivers. One directed to Maximus, one to Harry and the other to Fleur, her girlfriend might not even be at the home she was moving into yet but it would be there for when her and Danielle arrived.

Her letter to Maximus consisted of a 'I am okay' and a heads up to Dumbledore going to seek him out. The headmaster also wanted Maximus to be apart of the order, he needed as many people as he could get and according to what Sirius had told her he thought her and Maximus were going to be some of her best recruits. Rosalind knew he would accept, it was practically out of the question to think that he wouldn't. With what happened to Cedric he would do anything to fight back against Voldemort.

Her letter to Fleur however was that of a 'I'm safe' and an eager 'when can I see you again because I'm already missing you like crazy'. She was itching to hold her girlfriend again, feel the softness of her skin against her finger tips. God she was head over heels for that french girl.

Her letter to Harry was another 'I'm safe' along with a 'if he needs anything she'll be right there', adding to that a 'if the Dursley's touch him she's now of legal age and won't hesitate to hex them in to oblivion'. She hated that he had to stay with those horrid muggles, she couldn't believe that all his life they had made him stay in a bloody cupboard under the stairs, they sickened her. Maybe more than her own parents did.

Looking around the room Sirius had given her, her nose crinkled slightly. It was full of dust and the fact that it hadn't been cleaned in years made her sneeze and cough. The bed held old fashioned bedding and the wall paper was peeling with age, torn edges ragged against the wall. It was absolutely vile to say the least.

"Now this will just not do"

"Well I never. Feel like doing this to the rest of the house?" Sirius walked into her room and looked around amazed, the once dull trench of a bedroom now full of life and modernised to her liking. The floors were fully clean and the bed no longer held that ugly bedding as now it had silk black sheets. Posters that she had brought back with her from Hogwarts decorated the walls, figures of dragons hung from the ceiling creating the illusion of them flying and pictures were all around. Memories surrounding anyone who entered. It was dark but held the features of life, it was the perfect room that just screamed Rosalind.

"No Thankyou. I only have enough transfiguration skills in me for one room day uncle Sirius" the man laughed, still in awe at the room he had just walked in to. She could do practically everything that girl.

"Still obsessed with dragons I see" Sirius picked up a plush toy from her bed, holding it in his hands with a smile. That was the gift Cedric had gotten her.

"Mhm, I believe it was you who got me my first dragon figure at the age of four" she gestured up to her ceiling, specifically to the orange figurine that stood out brightly compared the the darker ones.

"Oh yes I remember getting you that, I got Harry a stag one too" he smiled fondly at the memory although it stung as James was a part of it. He had got Harry a stag in Jokes of his father turning into one and he got Rosalind a dragon because it would piss her parents off due to many reasons, Reginalt it would have pissed off more. They absolutely hated those creatures.

"Did you need something?" Rosalind smiled at him, the man taking a seat on her bed and patting the spot next to him to tell her to sit with him.

"How are you? Truly and don't give me any of that nonsense you give the others" Rosalind sighed and leant against him, he could read her like a book. There was no point lying to him.

"Everything is just happening so fast. Voldemort is back, I lost a friend, my brother turned out to be good and on our side, I've been asked to become a member of the Order, Moody was Barty and told me everything was my fault and I-" she fell into Sirius arms as she sobbed, finally letting out the emotions she had built up over the past few days.

"You are allowed to break Rosalind, showing emotions doesn't make you weak. You're allowed to feel" Sirius held his niece as she cried, cradling her not telling her to quieten or to stop, she needed to let it all out.

"But I feel selfish doing so, Maximus just lost his boyfriend and he's holding it together better than me. I'm the one people look up to I shouldn't-" Reinmond and Remus were listening from the outside, their hearts breaking hearing the girls cries.

"This is my fault, I should have taken her far away from here like I had planned when I had the chance instead of bowing in fear to our parents" the eldest Knight looked down in shame, he could have prevented his sister feeling like this if he had ran with her, the way Sirius had planned to take her away when she was a child. She shouldn't have to live in a world like this, none of them should. She shouldn't have to face or witness the plague which this earth carries, none of them should have to be hit with the curse that is darkness and death.

"It's not your fault, it's Voldemort's and well..your parents. You had no control over it and tried to do the right thing" Remus was never good at comforting people but it seemed to be working. Reinmond held the most guilt, the things he had done to make sure he and his sister stayed alive were despicable, he should be locked away in Azkaban but he was given another chance, he had a chance to be the brother he should have been and a chance to be on the right side.

"You're a very easy person to forgive, you saved not only Harry but others too and that trumps all the bad things you've done in your past. You've proven yourself by not rejecting taking lie detectors and giving as much information as you could" Remus confessed, when he first saw Dumbledore with the death eater behind him, he had his wand out ready to attack within a second but what shocked him  was that Reinmond had let him, not even putting up a fight. That's how he knew he was trust worthy, he was prepared to get hurt to prove himself.

"I just cant let anything happen to her. I'd die before before I did"


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