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"Snappy, let's not get our wands in a twist now"

Sirius smirked watching Rosalind roll her eyes at the potions professor from across the table, all Severus had been doing since he arrived at Grimmauld place was moan and groan about how Sirius was being stupid for wanting to act against Voldemort. Sirius of course made some nasty comments back but it was just an ongoing argument between them, obvious rivalry from their times at Hogwarts still being evident on the surface.

McGonagall sat down next to Rosalind and shook her head slightly, they had not changed since their school times at all and now with Rosalind in the mix it was as though the marauders were back in business. When the woman had first entered the house, Rosalind and Maximus had been sat next to each other, Maximus had been messing about with Remus' reading glasses and she swore she had to do a double take thinking that james potter and Sirius black were back sitting infront of her. At first glance with glasses on, Maximus truly did resemble the boy she used to know.

She couldn't get over how much Sirius and Rosalind looked alike, the black eyeliner and the leather jacket made them look ever so similar that she could have fainted, even the way they both ran up to her shouting a 'Minnie' and 'Mcgonnie' had her head spiralling but she felt a warmth seeing the people she thought of as her own children again. Sirius looking a lot cleaner than the last time she had seen him.

The day of the Order meeting had come and the Aurors were out getting Harry from his muggle home, Rosalind was bouncing with anticipation waiting for his arrival, she knew he was going to be pissed when he found out however she just hoped that Merlin that he wouldn't get angry at her. He should be pissed at Dumbledore if anything.

Snape bit back a comment at her sarcastic attitude, now not being his student he couldn't deduct house points or give her a detention, not that she even cared if he did when she was even in school, she rarely showed up to them anyways instead using Minervas love for her to her advantage, getting her out of them.

"All of this disaster is happening too fast, we let it go on for too long and we lose more people" Sirius argued from his place next to Remus, the werewolf having wrapped an arm around the back of his chair to offer him some comfort. They both were anxious about Harry coming, having not seen the boy for quite some time they didn't really know what to expect.

"We won't lose anyone-" Molly spoke up, only to receive a bored look from Sirius.

"People of all species are dying every day Molly, by the hands of him and deatheaters. If we don't act now, what's to say we won't lose one of our own, one of our children" he nearly spat, his argument making her purse her lips with a scowl. He made a point that couldn't be argued with, so she shut up and went back up chopping vegetables with Danielle, the Victoraire girl only really helping her to get on her good side for Bill and to be a good friend and try to get her to ease up on Fleur, she didn't like how she treated her and didn't want to risk Rosalind blowing up on a woman that she cared about.

𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑠 ✍︎︎𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑢𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑟Where stories live. Discover now