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Rosalind stormed into her dorm, slamming her door shut as she rested against it with tears in her eyes. Harry was asleep in his own dorm, her having tucked him in saying he needed some sleep after what just happened, she needed to go and find her best friend and girlfriend but she needed to be selfish and take a moment to breathe.

Cedric was dead.

Voldemort was back.

Maximus had lost his boyfriend.

She had lost her friend.

She had just threatened and held a dagger, the same dagger that was used to torture her, to her godfathers throat in meaning to kill him.

Harry was traumatised.

The dark side was now back in business and She had just been told it's all her fault.

"Stupid fucking dickheads" she picked up the nearest things, which happened to be a book, and threw it randomly. The Yelp of a unknown person being heard which made her immediately raise her guard and whip out her wand, her eyes frantically darting everywhere until they spotted a figure in the shadows.


"Woah calm down darlin'"she froze in place. The figure moving forwards out of the darkness with their hands raised showing they meant no harm. Stepping into the light she dropped her wand at the sight of the person infront of her.


"Hello little sister" as she walked forwards with her mouth agape and eyes wide, he was expecting her to hug him after not seeing him for so long, to let him hold her like he wished he had for the past years however what he was not expecting was to received a blow to the face. Her rings making it ten times for painful as she kicked his kneecap making him collide with the floor as jumped on top of him and starting punching left and right.

"You cheeky bastard! How dare you show up here! Deatheater cunt! Cedric is dead! Dead! My friend is dead because of you and your fucking cult! You prick! I hate you...I fucking hate you! My best friend is heartbroken and my brother is fucking traumatised because of you!" He let her hit him, his own tears coming to the surface seeing hers fall down her cheeks. She was crumbling, the world coming crashing down on her. He let her hurt him, let her scream at him as he just watched her crying. She was so used to being there for everyone else that she never was there for herself. She didn't take care of her own mental health.

Her fists slowed as more sobs left her lips, her hands balling on his chest as she cried harder. The eldest Knight sat up and took her into his arms despite her trying to fight him away. He shushed her gently, running his hand through her short hair and rubbing her back like he did when she was little, soothing her.

"I know your angry and you have every right to be. And I know I have no right to be here but I need you to listen to me please" he stood up, his arms around her as she placed her on the bed, grabbing the stool from her desk and placing it infront of her and sitting down anxiously so he could look her in the eye. She didn't say anything, just stared at him waiting for him to talk. Everything was happening way to fast, her mind was going haywire.

𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑠 ✍︎︎𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑢𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑟Where stories live. Discover now