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"Did you get a good swing?"

"Fleur dont encourage her to do this!"

Rosalind, Maximus and Fleur were once again in her Dorm room, maximus wrapping Rosalind's bloodied up hands whilst she told them about what had happened. After 'Moody' had taken her away and told her that she needed to find a method to control her anger, offering to help her to which she was hesitant on and didn't give him an answer for; Fleur had found her and gasped at her bloodied knuckles, being frantic about who hurt her and what had happened. She had been about to explain when Maximus came over like an angry mother, he had been in the hospital wing helping Madame pomfrey when four boys were dragged in getting various shouts thrown at them by Professor McGonagall, followed by snarky comments directed towards them by Fred and George weasley who had also entered with a bloodied nose each.

"Well what did you expect me to do? Stand there and let them call me slurs whilst accusing me of forcing my girlfriend into being with me?!" Maximus didn't say anything and looked down, it wasn't that the boys didn't deserve it, it was that she was hurt too and if she got expelled for the damage she did to that boys face he didn't know if he could survive the rest of the school year without her.

Fleur however hadn't known that part, standing up with her beautiful face holding dark fury.

"Who are these branleurs! I'll finish the job myself, How dare they! You did not force me and what did they call you?! oh I'll call them some nasty things myself!"Neither best friend had ever seen the girl so angry, she was practically burning a hole into Rosalind's floor as she stomped back and forwards in rage.

"Yeah, what did they call you?" Rosalind didn't want to repeat the words but when she did, all thoughts of not encouraging fighting had blown out of the window when Maximus tried to jump at the door to knock the boys out fully.

"Both of you calm down! I'm not having you in trouble because of me. George and Fred are already in the shit because they helped me" the pair looked at eachother before huffing and sitting down back on the bed not wanting her to get even more stressed out.

Fleur sat behind her, pulling her so she could wrap her legs around her resting them on her thighs whilst her arms wrapped around her middle and head lay on her back, placing small kisses on her shoulder.

"Who were they? I couldn't tell from their bloody faces" Maximus asked, finishing up bandaging her knuckles and rubbing them softly as he looked at her with concern.

"I didn't know most of them either until Moody told me. One was Rodger Davies, the other was Alejandro Hallows and the two Slytherins were Aleczander Devenhour and James Evermore" her best friends expression turned dark at the names as did Fleurs, both catching eachothers eyes as they stored them in their memories. Fleur knew all about Rodger, he was obsessed with her and Danielle and now she was going to make sure Danielle broke his heart in the most painful way possible. No one touched her girlfriend and got away with it.

"Okay you two stay here, we are gonna have a girls night and I'm gonna go and get ice cream and brownies and then we are gonna gossip and have fun okay?" The two girls nodded with smiles as Maximus beamed and slipped on his shoes before leaving the room, his trip to the kitchen going to take a little longer than expected as he was paying the hospital wing a not so nice visit.

"Are you seriously okay though?" Fleur shifted so she sat on Rosalinds lap, taking her hands in her own and placing gentle kisses on her wrapped knuckles.

"Yes I'm fine, don't worry" Rosalind assured her, smiling seeing her now clean rings on Fleurs fingers, reminding her of a night when they both had their first time in the bath and she had made her wear them to keep them safe.

"They look good on you" the girl complimented, watching as her rings glimmered under the lights.

"I know, I would keep them but I prefer you giving me them on certain occasions" smirking at her cheeky comment, Rosalind nipped at her neck, Fleur gasping as her girlfriend quite literally bit her.

"Hey! No biting" she scolded her as if she was a dog, bopping her on the nose. Rosalind rose her brow at that and have her a cocky look.

"Well you've never complained before" Fleur gently tapped her shoulder but she knew it was true, she quite liked it when Rosalind bit down on her, she'd never admit that though.

"You know I noticed something on the bottom of your ankle and forgot to ask about it" Fleur said, Rosalind tilting her head as she moved her way off of her lap and pulled up down Rosalind's high knee socks until her ankle was exposed, a little smiley face being inked on there making Rosalind smile.

"It's a tattoo, I got it last summer" it was only small but Rosalind had wanted to test it out, she wanted more of them and was planning to get more once she had left hogwarts.

"It's cute, I want one" her girlfriend had stated, Rosalind smirking as she traced the little smiley face which left a tickling sensation. She had got a smiley face so she could remind herself to smile when her loved ones weren't there, it reminded her of them and how Maximus, Harry, the twins, Sirius, Remus, Hermione, Cedric ect ect; always told her to smile and be happy, to always live in the moment. So that's what she plans to do.

"Are you sure you'd want to ink on your perfect skin" the girl teased, Fleur scoffing at the sentence.

"Maybe I'll get your name on me" Rosalind smirked and cheekily leant forward to whisper in her ear.

"Can you get Rosalind on your boob" Fleur pushed her away with a pout, the comment she made was supposed to be romantic but of course her girlfriend had the mind of the devil. That good was obsessed with her boobs.

Rosalind fell back on the bed in a hysterical fit of giggles watching as Fleur gave her the stink eye.

Maximus had came back In holding a tray of three ice cream Sunday's with caramel brownies that the lovely house elves had been kind enough to make up for him after he quite literally scared the four boys who harassed Rosalind shitless.

"Let's get this party started"


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