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"Let me see the ring!"

Tonks squealed as she rushed to Fleurs side, knocking Maximus out of the way whilst picking up the blondes hand delicately, eyes flitting across the beautiful diamond.

"Ow! Well hello to you too" Maximus grumbled, sulking off to Charlie's side who had made his appearance once again after taking another trip back to Romania.

It was the new year again and the students of Hogwarts once again returned to school after a wonderful Christmas at Grimmauld place, Fred and George for once going without any complaints knowing they had promised Rosalind to stay at least until NEWTs had started just to give Umbridge some last few months of utter Weasley hell.

Harry had been less excited to leave them once again, clinging to the newly engaged couple, Remus and Sirius and even Reinmond as he felt dread wash over him, he felt like something bad was going to happen and he didn't know what; he could just feel it in his bones. He wanted to stay with his family, Hogwarts wasn't a fun place to be in anymore and it was losing its happy colours, as the days went by it was becoming more grey, more dull and strict. It wasn't a home anymore, it was like a boarding school for undisciplined children. It had taken both Ron and Hermione to get Harry to let go of Fleur and Rosalind at the train station, those being the only two with him that time as Dumbledore had scolded Sirius for leaving the first time he did. Reinmond still wasn't allowed to leave the house, the hunt for him was becoming bigger and his own parents were the ones on the search, thankfully they weren't all that clever to check Esthers childhood home.

"I want one!" Tonks pouted, caressing the snakes that were engraved into the silver band. She could have giggled at how Slytherin it was, somethings would never change. Her mother was still all for Slytherin pride even after her years at Hogwarts, she thought that must be why Rosalind was so proud, because even with the not so nice people in the house now, she knew how many good people came out of it in the end. Slytherins aren't evil, it's the society that pushes them to be that way all for a stereotype.

"I'm sure you'll find a love soon Dora" Rosalind came up beside her fiancé, smiling softly at her cousin who groaned and pulled out a kitchen chair before slumping down on it.

"Not just yet! My work comes first dear cousin" she tapped her head with her wand, flinching as she hit it a little bit too hard which made the four others in the kitchen snort at her clumsy antics.

"I call bullshit, I have a good feeling about you Dora" the bubblegum haired girl rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile at the thought, don't get her wrong she loved being single but seeing everyone in happy relationships whilst she was still alone bummed her out just a little bit.

"Yeah, you need to get laid" Maximus hit Charlie's chest as Tonks whipped around with her mouth agape at his comment. Rosalind chocking on her iced macchiato with laughter making Fleur take it away from her and pat her on the back gently to help her regain her breath.

"I do not Charles wealsey! I am perfectly fine with no person in my bed!" Tonks stated proudly with a strong nod, kicking her feet up onto the table as she leant back against her chair.

"Tonks! Feet off the table!" Molly scolded, wafting the younger girls feet down whilst instantly disinfecting it again right after, it was her cleaning day and once Molly got in the cleaning mood no one dared get in her way. She was passionate about having everything spick and spam.

"Feet off the table" Rosalind and Fleur whispered to each other, both sharing a giggle knowing that's exactly what George and Fred would have said in that precise moment if they weren't stuck in Hogwarts.

"Sorry!" Tonks kicked her feet off the table only to roll off of her chair and onto the floor with a thud, Rosalind once again choking on the coffee in laughter that Fleur had given her back.

"Would you stop drinking as you laugh, you'll choke!" Fleur scolded her fiancé, once again taking her drink away and patting her back to clear her airways.

"It's not my fault, I can't see it coming!" She wheezed, her cousin playfully glaring at her as she hopped up from the ground, brushing off her pants.

"How are you an auror with your clumsiness?" Sirius asked, walking into the kitchen just in time to see her fall off her chair, he held an amused smile as he poured himself some firewiskey, only for Remus to quickly follow behind him and take it away from him with a shake of his head.

"Pads, you need to cut back" he laughed, Sirius huffing but letting his lover take the bottle away from him. He would have to agree, he couldn't remember the last time he had drank water and it certainly wasn't good for his health. He didn't feel like dying young just yet.

"Guess your right" he grumbled and fell into a chair, Molly swatting him too as he also went to place his feet upon the table.

"What is it with you two and putting your feet up?!" the ginger woman said, once again wiping the table making Sirius roll his eyes.

"Us hard workers deserve a beak" he crossed his arms, Molly looking at him with a raised eyebrow before sauntering he way to the stove, checking on the pie she had just placed in there.

"The only hard work you do, is bullying snape" Maximus shared a high five with Remus for his comment, Sirius turning to the younger boy in complete offence before turning to his niece with a pout.

"Rosalind, control that little swine"

"He's not mine to control" Rosalind smirked, turning away to play with Fleurs hair.

"Charles! You control him then!" at that Maximus blushed a bright shade of red and looked down, Molly grinning to herself as he did so, anyone with eyes could see how close the two boys had become. Maximus was all Charlie ever spoke about in recent days and that was saying a lot since Dragons rarely left his vocabulary.

"Aw look he's blushing"

"Stop it, Pads"

"But look how cute- ow Moony!"


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