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"You know what, I'm actually feeling abit ill, shall we go back home?"

"Oh stop it. You'll be fine, my parents are really nice"

The time had come for Rosalind to finally meet Fleurs mother and father, having flown to France on Rosalind's firebolt early in the morning, they quickly got there just before noon. Fleur had been pleasantly surprised at how good Rosalind was at flying however quickly learned that it was because she was amazing at quidditch. The only reason she wasn't on the team was because the Slytherin quidditch captain had absolutely hated her as she said no to kissing him in fourth year.

Coming up to the Delacour manor, her palms were sweating and she felt quite nauseous, now she knew how Fleur felt when meeting her family.

A week had past since she waved off the students of Hogwarts and Harry along with the Weasleys had infact wrote to her every single day, although it was mostly complaints as they had a new defence against the arts teacher who was apparently the worst woman in the world. Dolores Umbridge was her name and by the sounds of it every student had a death wish because of her. Fred and George had literally planned to leave the school, asking the girl if she could help them set up their joke shop a little bit earlier than they had originally planned because they were one week in and already getting to their breaking point with the horrid woman. Rosalind had for once never been more glad that she wasn't in Hogwarts at that moment and rather in the likes of France having to deal with the stress of meeting Fleurs parents instead of a bitchy teacher. She was also thankful that it got her away for a couple of days, being in the Order caused a right headache and thankfully Dumbledores only job for her at the moment was naming death eaters she could remember and trying to think back to any information she may have heard whilst living at the Knight manor.

Sirius and Reinmond had been reluctant to let her go with the death eaters lurking in each corner they turned but Fleur had promised that she would look after her girlfriend and would take out anyone who dared hurt her, so they had put their trust in her. Maximus had huffed and puffed about how his best friend would be in the beautiful country of France for days whilst he'd be stuck with his muggle grandmother who fed him food until he almost exploded. Trips to his grandmothers house were more a nightmare than a heartfelt family holiday.

The Delacour household was very light and inviting, quite different to that of her parents home. The building was a pretty cream colour decorated with various amounts of glass windows and vines trailing up to the top of it, beautiful white rose bushes were lined up infront of it freshly groomed and pretty. She couldn't help but be in awe at the place, she too lived in a luxurious home all her life but her own was a deep grey, almost black and any living flowers they had were snipped down by her father. He had despised flowers with a passion. It was a nice change of scenery, it held life whereas hers held death.

Fleur couldn't help but be amused at her expression, she had never seen her girlfriend look more anxious in the near year of knowing her. She had written to her parents just before they arrived and they had both promised to be extra kind to her, Fleur had them wrapped around her little finger so they wouldn't dare ever disrespect or go against the girl their daughter loved. They were rather accepting and just wanted their children to be happy.

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