Chapter 53: Ari's real identity (Part 2)

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"My my~ What a unpleasant sight. Commander Elkni, please bring them down to the dungeon. Don't let them escape and keep them alive, okay?" HanNi ordered.

"You b*stards!! When I get of here, I'm going to kill every single one of you!" Ari threatened.

. . . .

Meanwhile after the incident, the queen requested for instant construction workers to fix the damage in the castle while HanNi, Lay, Baekhyun, Suho, Kai and Fang sat around in circle in silence.

"Please, someone start talking." Baekhyun prayed.

"Ehem!" Suho, the mighty leader of the guardian squad (kekeke XD) faked cough to start.

"Is throat okay, hyung?" Lay concernedly asked.

"No. Anyways, let's summarize the situation that just happened. We were told to come here 'cause they wanted to tell us 'something important'. Right?" they nodded in agreement.

"Then, that 'something important' turned out to be about HanNi's 'twin brother' who she knew nothing of that exist. Right?" Kai said then they nodded.

"Then, the guy 'Fang' came here to tell us about it, right? Because apparently, he was the one 'who raised him up'. Isn't that right, Fang?" Baekhuyn asked. "Yes." Fang answered.

"And then, after finding out about it, there are two guys who attacked the castle all of a sudden named 'Ari' and 'Xhin'. " Lay said.

"And last, Fang says that the guy named 'Ari' was supposed to be the 'missing prince' and my 'twin brother' who I knew that never exist. But trully, he exist and alive. But! Ari denied about being the prince...So what's next?" HanNi said.

"I-I'm sorry, princess. But I think, the best solution to clear up any misundertanding and confusion is to go down to the dungeon and talk to him directly." Fang suggested.

"A direct contact...that might be a good idea." she agreed.

"I'm going." Baekhyun volunteered.

"If possible, I wanted to talk to Ari by myself, Baek." HanNi gave him an apologizing look.

"No! I'm coming with you. I have to protect you...even if it's against your brother.." he said.

"Baekhyun ah...alright." she smiled at him.

"You three, please help around the castle if you've got nothing to do. Or if you're hurt, please rest and don't push yourself." HanNI told Suho, Lay and Kai.

"Yes ma'am!!" they respond in joking manner.

The three went down to the dungeon cell where Ari was kept in and few blocks away where he's companion Xhin was in. As they finally arrived in front of his cell, HanNi was staring at him blankly but her mind was a mess and she couldn't think properly.

"Ari.." she called.

Ari looked up to the person who called him "...Han...?"

HanNi crouched down slowly so she can look at him in even height. She smiled at him, still knowing the fact that he attacked the castle, caused a mess and almost killed someone.

"What..are you..doing here?" Ari asked.

"To talk to you..?" she replied.

"...." Ari stayed quiet afterwards.

"Baekhyun, Fang...could you please leave us alone.. for now? Go check that guy Xhin." she asked the two.

"B-but.." Baekhyun protested.

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