Chapter 57

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Mia's POV

I couldn't stop wondering how Liam knew what happened to Nina. Well, why she was dead. I decided to give it a go.

- How do you know how deep or what her wounds were like if you only saw her for a brief second?

He didn't take time to reply.

- You remember I told you I learnt a lot of things right?

I nodded, waiting for him to continue.

- Well, I also went to get medical training. And it wasn't that hard judging by the places the bullets hit and the amount of blood was enough to tell me.

I nodded. That explained it. I just hoped I could trust him. But if Dante did then I could too.

Right now I really needed to get my mind off of everything that has been happening. I realized that I was a vampire yet I knew nothing about them. Maybe Liam could tell me a bit more.

- Tell me something about vampires.

I said in a soft quiet voice.

- Okay what would you like to know?

- How did this all happen? How did you die and become one? Or he made you into one etc.

He chuckled like what I said was bullshit.

- Why are you laughing?

- No reason.

He finally stopped but he still looked amused.

- Well, we say that we're a different spiecies not just dead people coming back to life. At the beggining it was a bit like that we were born as people but we didn't age as fast as humans. We started craving for blood. And eventually the human world feared us and stayed away . We never drank human blood at that time. We hunted for animals. But soon a man from our kind fell in love with a human girl. They loved eachother very much. The man decided to mark her. The humans in the village thought it was some kind of curse. They kidnapped the man and the girl. They burned them both alive. But the man didn't die. They tried many things and then he was stabbed with a silver dagger. He kept bleeding, no one did anything and he died on the spot. That was when we found out silver is the only thing that can kill us and diseases, for example: cancer. You must've heard about Dante's and Aldrics father.

I nodded my head and stayed quiet.

- After they found our weakness they started hunting us. Many of us fought back and died. And many of us escaped.
The leader lead his people away to a witch. She created a different dimension for us. We can still move easily from one to another but only vampires know about this.
Soon after we disapeard, people spred rumors and storys about us. Now you see us the way you just thought. We were humans once but for some unknown reason we ended up like this. Our hearts stopped beating yet we still breathe. We crave for blood. And after what the humans did to us we only take their blood. We have children who are born without a beating heart. Yet they grow up happily not worrying about it. We have learnt to live this way. Some human storys say that if a vampire takes your blood your turn into one.

He started chuckling at the idea.

- We can make you feel terrible pain or make you extremly horny but we can't turn you into one. The chemicals that I guess you've experienced before, is to make them beg. They will beg for your touch and you can use that to your privilege.

- How?

I couldn't believe I actually asked that. It just slipped out. I wiped my tears off my cheeks and paid even more attention to him. Maybe he'll say something that'll help me know how to control my chemicals.

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