Chapter 37

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Aldrics POV

Hayden threatning Dante and using Mia, made more sense than anything else at the moment.

One of Dante's men came running up to us. He seemed like he knew something.
After hurrying over he tried to catch his breath.

- A bit of the footage was recovered...

He said still panting.
My eyes lit up with hope and I wished it showed this monsters face so I could get Mia back.

Dante and I shared a glance. We both knew that this would answer all our questions and tell us the truth.

We started running to the security room.

The small room was dark and cold. The computer was on and they replayed us the small part that they were able to recover.

I slammed my fist against the table as the footage ended.

- It's only his fucking back!!

I cursed catching everyones attention.

- Look we know it's him he was the one wearing that outfit that night.

- But we need more proof!
We need more fucking proof...

I grabbed my hair and tried to hold my anger inside.

- Let's watch it again.

Dante said. I was suprised by the calmness of his voice. But then I remembered that he didn't care at all about Mia.

If it wasn't for me he would've let her die in Haydens hands already.

We watched the footage again and again and I was growing more frustrated by the minute.

Dante suddenly slammed his fingers on the keyboard laying on the grey desk stopping the footage.

He zoomed in on his hand and something caught my eye.

- Look.

Dante said pointing at the screen.

- That's the ring with his familys crest in it. If we show that he wouldn't be able to deny it.

That seemed like a great plan but that still didn't mean he would let go of her.

We needed to threaten him but he didn't leave a trace apart from that small ring, that was on footage. Since the ring could easily be faked and the pictures could be made, there was a possibility of them not believing us.

- That's not enough and we still don't have a way to get her back.

I said feeling like a failure.

- We could threaten him with sonething else.

I looked up. My family and his have never been on good terms with eachother, and that made it even harder to make people believe.
Yes, we are the royal family but people believe what they hear and see.

I looked curiously at my older brother wondering what in the bloody hell could we threaten him with.

- Our father told me something that happened before you were born.

I sat silently which gave him the opportunity to continue.

- Our father was threatend after I was born. Hayden told him that he will kill him and his family if he didn't give up the throne. He didn't succeed in killing our family at first. A year later, the second time he tried he was more cautious. He snuck into the palace on the day of your birth. No one realized since everyone was busy with the new prince. He snuck in as one of the guards and killed our mother....
She never died giving birth to you.

I was dumbfounded by the story he just told. But I knew very well it wasn't just a story it was something that had happened a long time ago.

- Okay but why didn't father tell everyone?

That part didn't make much sense.

- If he would've told everyone that
then he would've told everyone about our sister.

I didn't understand what he was saying.

- We never had a sister.

- She's only our half sister. She was born outside of marrige. After our grandpa forced father into marrying the queen he got mad, and to show that, he slept with one of the maids.

He looked down at the floor. I was mad that he never told me this.

- Later he found out that she was pregnant and sent her away. Our mother was outraged and she sent some men to kill the maid. They killed her but our sister....well, she was already born. The men brought her back to the castle. After months and months of fighting with eachother the queen agreed to raise her. After two months she died in pneumonia.

His voice was emotionless. I felt mad at my father for doing what he did, just to not marry our mother.

- It would've made people go against us.

- But that's in the past now. Nothing would happen .

He let out a sigh.

- We could try.


Next part probably in Mia's POV.

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               | Word Count: 785 |

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