Chapter 32

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Aldrics POV

After locking the door Dante followed after us.


A couple of hours earlier...


- Why would you want her?

Dante asked as he turned around in his chair.

Mia was still sleeping after letting Dante feed from her. He gave me orders to strictly stay to my part of the plane.

And now that she was asleep I could finally negotiate with him.

I decided to give it a go, and ask Dante if he'd let me buy Mia from him. And I was stupid enough to think he'd give her to me without asking why the hell I'd wanted a pet. Why I wanted his pet. He would most ceartainly ask for a back story. I was almost the only member of the royal family that was against keeping pets, and here I was asking for one. Not anyone. Mia. The girl who stole my heart. All I wanted was her and no one else. I didn't like the idea of my brothers - or for that matter, anyones hands- on her. I was selfish and wanted her all to myself.

- Does it matter. I'll give you as much money as you want.

I said bluntly.

- I don't need your money brother. I want to know why you want her?

Of course he did. I sighed knowing that I'll have to tell him. He was my older brother and I couldn't hide things from him. He'll find out sooner or later. It was better if he found out from me than finding put from someone else.

After taking a seat infront of him I let out a long sigh, and started my path to death.

- Okay Here's the deal. I'll tell you why I want Mia but you'll promise you won't hurt her.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

- Fine. Just get to the point.

He said bluntly.

- You know last night Mia was in my room.
He slowly nodded his head.

- Well a couple of days before that I marked her.

His eyes came up to meet mine in an instant.


Well that wasn't such a bad raction. Knowing my brother it could've been worse. Guess he was in a...good mood.

- I couldn't help myself. She's worth so much more than just a pet. And I fell for her. I couldn't help myself. Seeing you treat her the way you did just made me want her to myself even more.

- I treat her that way cause that's how we treat pets. If anyone finds out you marked her you will be sentenced to death! If I intefere all I would be able to do is speak to the elderly and have you banished rather then killed. Either way you won't be able to stay here.

- That's why I need you to let me have her. That way no one will suspect anything, and I could leave with her.

- They will suspect things if they see me giving my pet to you.

He thought for a moment.

- She's not allowed to know you told me or the plan won't work. We need to put on a show infront of everyone when we arrive.

I nodded my head knowing what he meant.

- After that they won't suspect anything and you can have her.

I was suprised he gave her up so easily but it seemed like he didn't hate me that much. Well atleast not as much as wanting me to be killed.

- Thanks brother.

- Don't be so impulsive next time.

- The mark didn't disappear did it?

He asked.

I shook my head, telling him she excepted me.

- Then there wouldn't be any need for a plan now would there.

He let out a sigh and just signaled with his hand for me to get out.

Sometimes no matter how much two vampires loved eachother, they just weren't meant to be and the mark disappeared. Luckily this wasn't the situation with me and Mia. She excepted me fully which made me feel beyond happy.

End Of Flashback....

I was very worried about Mia. Our Uncle wasn't supposed to find out anything. I was beyond grateful Dante tried to cover for us but seeing her get into more trouble because of my stupid actions just made me feel even more guilty.

We sat down in the conference room and listened to my father speak.

- As you all know, I will be stepping down soon. And my son Prince Dante will be taking over.

He didn't sa y his name with much happiness but it didn't seem to bother him. Dante didn't seem too focused and just gave a tight lipped smile towards our father. Our father will...move on soon, to put it with nice words.

- I decided to make things move a little faster. I will be giving over the throne on May twentieth in seven days.

The news shocked everyone in the room. And made wave of chatter fill the room.

Our uncle was still staring at me with furious eyes, that held a bit of disapointment. Right now I couldn't care less about him being disapointed. I just wanted to get Mia to a safe place. where I was sure no one would harm her.

My uncle knowing about the situation just made everything riskier. If this got out in the open they wouldn't hesitate to kill us. Even if it was a normal vampire marking a human, they got hung. Now, if they found out that a member of the royal family has marked and fallen for a human girl, I'll be a disgrace to everyone. And not just people in my family but the whole country will despise me.

I knew what I was risking when I thought about marking Mia. And I was alright with it if it meant I could have her. Make everyone see she belongs to me. I just never thought I'd actually do it.

Not paying much attention to the meeting I realized it had come to an end. And my father was saying farewell to everyone in the room. I stood up and said farewell to more family members and close friends.

Dante and me joined forces and went strait up to The room we left Mia in.

The door was open. Everything in the room looked the same but Mia was nowhere to be seen...


Authors note;

Chapter 32 all done!!

Sorry for chapter 31 being so short.

Chapter 33 will be in Mia's POV.

Please tell me what you think:

Q1: What do you think happened to Mia?

Q2: Who do you like more Aldric or Dante?

If you answer it will help me improve the story!!!

Thank you for reading!!!

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            | Word Count: 1129 |

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