Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: First book so some weird stuff happen

Mini introduction about Mia:

I'm Mia and in two days I will be turning 18.
I love nature, which actually explains why I plan on buying a house soon, not far away from the city but near the quiet, calm forest nearby. I love my Mom. I would never leave her alone in a big house, so I offered her to live with me in the cottage I was planning to buy. I've been saving up money since I was seven. All the kids in my class thought I was stupid for dreaming of a house.
But I ignored them, I would've done everything to get away from my monster of a father. My dream wasn't a big one but, It was my dream and I wanted to make it come true. The other kids dreamt about sports cars and getting married to a prince and becoming rich. For some unknown reason, I didn't want any of that.

I didn't have a bright past so I hoped the future held more for me.

The reason to my dark past was my dad.
He was a mason. He got paid very little which made him anxious. It lead him to drinking. At a point I and my mom thought he lost his mind.

After so many years we didn't have to worry about that anymore.


I laid down the book on the coffee table and went outside.

Currently, I was working on my moms old motorcycle.

- Still not working?
I heard my moms sweet voice from behind.
I shook my head and cleaned my black fingers, with the towel that was misreabaly, laying on my shoulder.

I said sitting down next to her.

-I still don't understand why it's so important for you to get it moving again.

I sighed.

- I told you, mom! You said you love this bike. I want to fix it for you as a gift.

- Having you around is already a wonderful gift.

She said showing me her bright smile and cupping my cheeks.
My mom had a beautiful smile, that some people say I inherited.

Suddenly a strong, sharp smell hit me.

- Mom...I think your chicken is going to burn.

She sniffed the air and her eyes widened.

- Oh lord dinner!

She shouted running in the kitchen.
I smiled and watched her run to the place she just left moments ago.

I got back to working on the motorcycle. Something didn't seem right.

After checking for the millionth time I finally found what the problem was.

I ran up to my room and changed my dirty clothes. I threw my old clothes on my bed and picked out blue shorts and a long white shirt that covered my thighs.

I went in the kitchen to check on my mom.

- Hey! Everything okay?
I asked looking at the counter, watching the burned veggies lay in the pan.

- Luckily the chicken is fine it was just the vegtables.

A small smile formed on my lips.

- Don't smile young lady! I'm starting again.

My happy face turned into a disgusted one.

- Stop acting like a four-year-old.

- I'm going over to Tony. I need to borrow a few things from him.

- Be careful. I don't trust that boy.

I rolled my eyes as I shut the door behind me.
I jumped on my bike and left for Tony's workshop.

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