Chapter 54

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Mia's POV

I woke up and saw that Aldric was standing by the edge of the bed. He hadn't realized I was awake. Something caught my attention.

- How long will it take for him to get together and come back?

The other end was to quiet to make out the words. But I'm sure I heard a female voice.

- Okay get him fixed up quickly.

He hung up and turned back towards the bed. I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes.

- Morning.

He came over and pressed a kiss on my forehead.

- Hi.

I wondered if I should ask him what the call was about but decided it wasn't really my place.

I wondered why he was dressed so formally.

- Are you going somewhere?

He nodded and turned back to me tying his tie.

- Mhm, father is in the hospital. The nurse said he won't last very long. Thought I'd go visit him.

-Will Dante go aswell?

He shook his head almost immedietly.

- You don't want to put those two in the same room, unless your asking for world war three.

Was their relationship really that bad? I decided to leave it at that.

I sucked in a deep breath and went to get changed. Seems like it was just me and Dante having breakfast together.

After Aldric left I went downstairs and breakfast was already ready. But no one was there. I sat down excited to see him, since he didn't sleep with us last night. I kept waiting but he didn't come. I ate my breakfast and laid back. I waited a bit more but still no sign of him.

I stood up and walked to his office. The door was slightly open. He had dark circles around his eyes and bags. He looked very tired and even pailer. I went back and put his breakfast on a tray. I carried it back to his office forgetting to knock.

- What do you want?
His eyes didn't leave the screen.

- Umm...I brought you breakfast.
He immedietly looked up and looked happier, his gaze softened.

- Oh sorry Mia. I thought it was someone else.

I gave him a smile and put the tray down on his desk.

- You didn't show up.

- I'm sorry I lost track of time. Didn't Aldric have breakfast with you?

I shook my head in response. I thought he knew. I hoped he wouldn't be hurt if I told him the news. But judging by what Aldric had said it seemed like he wouldn't really care.

- Um...your father is dying.
He pulled me into his lap and took a bit of his breakfast.

- Tell me something new.

- Aldric went to visit him in the hospital and said that the nurse called. She thinks he won't make it through the day.

- Well I can't say I care or that I'm suprised. Smoking doesn't exactly help lung cancer. And you probably understand why I won't miss his presence.

I nodded my head knowingly and laid back against his chest. It was just one night but god, I missed him so much.

After he finished his breakfast he leaned back on his chair.

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