Chapter 23

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Mia's POV

After waiting for two long hours the whole boring meeting was finally over.
Although I couldn't see Aldric anywhere.

Everyone stood up and walked out of the conference room.
Dante walked towards me and took my wrist.
He pulled me to the dining room where they were getting ready to have dinner.

- Don't make me drag you.
He says pulling on my hand.

- I'm sorry but it hurts.

He stopped and turned towards me with a chuckle.

- Don't tell me, I was too rough for you?
He said like he pitied me. I huffed and pulled my wrist out of his grip.

-A dead goat is better than you!

I said taking a step foward.

He grabbed my hair making me wince at the pain and come back.

- Say that again...

- I said a dead goat is better than you!!

Everyone in the room was now looking at us. His face was red fuming with anger. It was very visible he was trying to conttol himself. Probably that's why he hasn't slapped me across the face yet.

- Turn around.

He said trying to keep his voice steady, keeping himself from bursting.

- What?
I asked quietly.

- I said turn around!
He yelled.

The vampires in the room looked quiet amused, but there was one concerned face that I've been searching for all day.

Aldric stood there with a cup of wine in his hand.  His eyes looked very concerned, and I could tell he wanted to help, but going against his brother would just make things worse.

I did as I was told and slowly turned around.

A loud rip sound filled the room and my dress was now on the floor.

Dante had ripped my dress off as a punishment for speaking back to him like that.
The men in the room smiled and looked at me from head to toe.
Due to the dress, I wasn't wearing a bra so I covered myself with my hands.

Dante signaled a servant to bring something over I couldn't quiet tell what it was until it was on me.

He took my hands and cuffed them behind my back.
Now everything was visible to the old and middle aged men in the room.

And Adlric who I really didn't want to see me like this.

Dante turned me around to face them, they smiled and chuckled. They said dirty things making me uncomfortable.

I looked at Aldric and he didn't break eye contact. His soft gaze made me a bit calm but I still felt humiliated.

The leach turned me towards himself.

- You know pet, next time you lie or say something like that, I'll make sure you lose the underwear aswell.

That bastard and his rules.

I huffed at him as he tied my leash against the foot of the table.
I stood there while everyone had dinner.

-  Nice show!

One yelled.

- I think she's too skinny!

-Nah, she just right!

I looked down at the floor trying to hide my face with my hair.

A lady walked over calling for Aldric and Dante.
The brothers stood up and left the room.

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