Chapter 34

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Home sick so updating!!!


Hope you enjoy.


Mia's POV

- Well I was the one that put her out of her misery.

My eyes widened. The man standing infront of me was Hayden...

- You sick son of a bitch.

His grip loosened and he threw me across the room. I fell against the hard brick wall, banging my head hard. For a few moments my vision went blurry and dark, but by the time I was able to properly see again he was standing infront of me.

I shut my mouth not wanting anymore nonsense to come out. I was angry and sad. My mkthers killer was infront of me and tbere was nothing I could do. I really was useless.

- You've grown since the last time I saw you.

- What like two months ago?

My voice came out raspy. He chuckled at me saying two months but maybe because it might've been three. Eversince I gave up trying to escape I lost count of the days, the weeks I spent in that hell hole.

- More like eleven.

- eleven days then.
He let out a cold chuckle again

- More like eleven years.

I didn't understand. I never saw this man in my life until today, and he claimed to have known me for a long time.

- Who on earth are you?

I moved more back into the corner, away from him.

- Do you never wonder why your so weak?

He took slow steps towards me.

- Your weak after being drugged.

- Who isn't?

I tried to protect the little pride I had left.

- Especially after feedings.

I froze. He knew why I couldn't manage the feedings like other pets.

- Y- You know why?

My voice was shaking and my body went numb.

- Of course I know.

He smiled proudly. I couldn't help but feel weak.

- You see your father was never your father.

My eyes widened at the statment.

- How dare you say that?

- No need to be so mad. If I'm correct you've been living your life happily since he was put in jail.

Him mentioning that my father was in jail made me feel terrible. It always made me think I was a terrible person like him.

My dad almost killed me once from beating me up so hard. He went easier on my mom cause somewhere deep, deep down he loved her.

But me? No way. He always thought of me as a mistake. A stupid mistake that he had to get rid of. My mom didn't let him take me away so he used me to take out his anger on.

I rember going to school wearing jumpers and scarfs, to cover up my marks. He would hit me until I bled or was unconsious.
My mother never succeeded in stopping him but I didn't blame her for marrying a psychopath. She didn't know.

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