28 - Lone Soul

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"Eyes meet, world change. Colourful it might be or just monochromatic. It's how the eyes catch it"


Slowly and hesitantly he gets out from the car, thousands of thoughts appear on his head.

"I will go first, do call me when you're done and want to go home, I will be here in 10 minutes" the driver says, smiling at him while he drives out from the neighbourhood area.

Jin looks at his crooked fingers which he himself is holding the cake. Why the hell he is trembling so hard? What is he afraid for?

Jin looks at the house in front of him without moving even a step ahead. Should he really rings the bell? If someone goes out to greet him then what is he going to do?

"Hi, I'm Kim Seokjin. I'm searching for my mother, she lives here"

The hell, he is not going to talk like that. That is not how it works. What should he say if someone greets him? What is he going to tell them?

"Can I meet my mother?"

"If you happened to have a child 25 years ago?"

"Hi, I'm the baby you left at the orphanage 25 years ago"

No, none of that would work. Jin is not going to mutter those words.

Just like that ten minutes passed. He looks up again, looking at that luxurious home. Is his mother even stay here? Is she rich? If she is rich then why he was abandoned?

Financial problem wasn't obviously the reason for him to get abandoned. Or is his mother really the maid there? But-

But why did Taehyung gave him the address? That address should be the home address where his mother lives in or maybe his mother is indeed the maid in the house and lives there too just like Jin, a maid to Taehyung and lives in his place.

Sounds logical to him.

The moment Jin looks up at the house, his eyes caught the eyes of a woman staring at him from the window. Though his eyes is not really good at noticing people at a distance, he did see her. Quickly the woman closes the curtain the moment their eyes met.

Why she did that? And why did Jin feels hurt looking at that?

A moment later, the woman who closes the curtain walks out of the house. She even walks to the front gate at where Jin is standing.

"Come with me" she says.

It was more like an order to him. Jin doesn't like that tone of her. She makes Jin feels something, not good obviously.

Like a lost puppy, Jin follows her and they both enter a car before it moves to somewhere.

A quiet cafe without much customers. There are barely 3 customers there. This cafe looks like one of those cafe Jin applied to be a barista before but failed since he looked too snobby for a high class cafe.

It feels even weirder when Jin is tailing after her into the cafe and the staff in there greets the woman and even bow at her.

She is rich, maybe this is one of her business?

Jin swallow the ill feeling he is having because he knows damn too well of what and where their conversation will be. Somehow he did expected some shit situation. He is not going to be surprised at whatever is going to be happening.

Both Jin and her take a sit at the corner of the cafe, far away from everyone else. She orders a cup of hot coffee for herself and a drink that Jin never knew what it is, for maybe...him?

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